Icons as x-axis labels in R - ggplot2 -

(this extension question icons x-axis labels in r. looks ggplot solution instead of plot one. since ggplot based on grid , plot based on graphics, approach different)

i plot (from paper) icons, in case small graphs, used tick labels.

enter image description here

the accepted answer original question is:

library(igraph)     npoints <- 15 y <- rexp(npoints) x <- seq(npoints)  # reserve space on bottom margin (outer margin) par(oma=c(3,0,0,0)) plot(y, xlab=na, xaxt='n',  pch=15, cex=2, col="red") lines(y, col='red', lwd=2)  # graph numbers  x = 1:npoints     # add offset first graph centering x[1] = x[1] + 0.4 x1 = grconvertx(x=x-0.4, = 'user', = 'ndc') x2 = grconvertx(x=x+0.4, = 'user', = 'ndc')  for(i in x){      print(paste(i, x1[i], x2[i], sep='; '))    # remove plot margins (mar) around igraphs, appear bigger ,    # `figure margins large' error avoided   par(fig=c(x1[i],x2[i],0,0.2), new=true, mar=c(0,0,0,0))   plot(graph.ring(i), vertex.label=na)   } 

enter image description here

how can make similar plot using ggplot?

this closer get:

library(ggplot2) library(grimport) library(igraph)  npoints <- 5 y <- rexp(npoints) x <- seq(npoints)  pics  <- vector(mode="list", length=npoints) for(i in 1:npoints){   fileps <- paste0("motif",i,".ps")   filexml <- paste0("motif",i,".xml")    # postscript file   postscript(file = fileps, fonts=c("serif", "palatino"))   plot(graph.ring(i), vertex.label.family="serif", edge.label.family="palatino")   dev.off()    # convert xml accessible symbolsgrob   postscripttrace(fileps, filexml)   pics[i] <- readpicture(filexml) } xpos <- -0.20+x/npoints my_g <- do.call("grobtree", map(symbolsgrob, pics, x=xpos, y=0)) qplot(x, y, geom = c("line", "point")) + annotation_custom(my_g, xmin=-inf, xmax=inf, ymax=0.4, ymin=0.3) 

enter image description here

this builds of attempt.

(i used set.seed(1) before rexp function , tweaked graph increase edge thickness: plot(graph.ring(i), vertex.label=na, edge.width=30))

continuing above:

# initial plot p <- qplot(x, y, geom = c("line", "point"))   # use plot x-positions of labels g <- ggplotgrob(p)     xpos <- g$grobs[[grep("axis-b", g$layout$name)]]$children[[2]]$grobs[[2]]$x  # create grob tree  my_g <- do.call("grobtree", map(symbolsgrob, pics, x=xpos, y=0.5))  # make second plot # add space under plot images  # remove x-axis details # note annotation below lower y-axis limit # limits selected inspection p2 <- p + annotation_custom(my_g, xmin=-inf, xmax=inf, ymax=-0.1, ymin=-0.2) +              theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),                    plot.margin=unit(c(1,1,2,1), "cm"))  # remove clipping images render g <- ggplotgrob(p2) g$layout$clip[g$layout$name=="panel"] <- "off"  grid.newpage() grid.draw(g) 

enter image description here

there way / in line lovely previous solution, anyways ...
