ios - adding total sum with floating points -

in xcode utilizing 4 utitextfields following chart user enter whole number, chart following:

total |   win  | place  | show  34    |   4    |    5   |   3 

my algorithm chart following:

-for total win * 1 -for total place * .5 -for total show * .25 -add 3 totals new float value (identified as,  float totaltrackalltogether) -divide totaltrackalltogether total column (identified as,  int tracktotalcolum) -display sum on onofflabel.text 

here code portion not seem work , crashes

-(void)trackrecordmath {  int trackwincolum = [trackwin.text intvalue]; int trackplacecolum = [trackplace.text floatvalue]; int trackshowcolum = [trackshow.text floatvalue]; int tracktotalcolum= [tracktotal.text intvalue];  int trackwintotal = trackwincolum * 1; nslog(@"%d", trackwintotal); int trackplacetotal = trackplacecolum *.5; nslog(@"%d", trackplacetotal); int trackshowtotal= trackshowcolum *.25; nslog(@"%d", trackshowtotal); float totaloftrackcolums = trackwintotal + trackplacetotal + trackshowtotal; float totaltrackalltogether= (float) totaloftrackcolums / tracktotalcolum; onofflabel.text = [[nsstring alloc] initwithformat:@"%f",     totaltrackalltogether]; } 

i seem held when trying multiply floating points whole numbers, , displaying through onofflabel.text. thank help!

these basic stuff works same in c, c++ , objective-c. if floating-point calculation , store result in int, after decimal point dropped.

furthermore, using float instead of double massive rounding errors without benefit. instead of

int trackplacecolum = [trackplace.text floatvalue]; 

write own of these:

nsinteger trackplacecolumn = [trackplace.text integervalue]; double trackplacecolumn = [trackplace.text doublevalue]; 

btw. it's column, not colum. , crash if divide zero. check whether tracktotalcolumn 0 or not in code.
