- IIS7 Authorization rules with custom role provider not working -

can please tell me why iis subdirectory authorization rules not working?

i suspect it's using custom membership , role provider.
users, anonymous , users logged in 401.2 unauthorized error files in /users subdirectory.

i'm trying restrict access static files , pages in subdirectory. used authorization rules button in iis7 manager.

in /users has created web.config file section:

<system.webserver> <security> <authorization> <remove users="*" roles="" verbs="" /> <add accesstype="deny" users="?" /> <add accesstype="allow" roles="auth_users" /> </authorization> </security> </system.webserver> 

in web.config of site root these custom role , membership settings. membership , role providers working fine - user added role, it's authorization rules aren't working.

<rolemanager enabled="true" defaultprovider="myroleprovider"> <providers> <remove name="aspnetsqlroleprovider" /> <add name="myroleprovider" type="" applicationname="myusersapp" /> </providers> </rolemanager> <membership defaultprovider="mymembershipprovider"> <providers> <remove name="aspnetsqlmembershipprovider" /> <add name="mymembershipprovider" type="" applicationname="myusersapp" /> </providers> </membership> 

still playing this, looks promising.. i'm thinking there's more elegant solution out there.

<location path="users"> <system.web> <authorization> <allow roles="auth_users" /> <deny users="*" /> </authorization> </system.web> <system.webserver> <handlers> <add name="html" path="*.html" verb="get, head, post, debug" type="system.web.staticfilehandler" /> <add name="js" path="*.js" verb="get, head, post, debug" type="system.web.staticfilehandler" /> <!--more static file types...--> </handlers> </system.webserver> </location> 
