php - Removing or renaming swift in laravel -

the error getting

file: "/var/www/html/goalline/swiftmailer333/swift.php" line: 32 message: "cannot redeclare class swift" type: "symfony\component\debug\exception\fatalerrorexception"

i have need remove swift laravel conflicts functions form legacy application laravel app needs call.

how can this? whether should irrelevant have use functions legacy application.

i've tried commenting 'mail' => 'illuminate\support\facades\mail', , 'illuminate\mail\mailserviceprovider' didn't work.

you'll have namespace swift class:

<?php   namespace yourapp;  class swift {  } 

then use way:

$swift = new yourapp\swift; 

another possibility create nasty hack remove laravel installation, you'll have create repository of own , use repository in composer.json file:

{     "repositories": [         {             "type": "vcs",             "url": ""         }     ],     "require": {         "swiftmailer/swiftmailer": "dev-master"     } } 

your repository can pretty copy of swiftmailer's remove every file except composer.json.
