Easy method to install Python packages on Windows (7)? -

i upgrading python 3.4 3.2 hitting brick wall getting of packages work (scipy, scipy-learn, not bothered try further yet).

as previously, have gone round in circles trying pip , easy_install work. before, i've resorted heroic christoph gohlke's binaries. however, binaries wheel files.

unfortunately, using pip install mydownloadedwheelfile.whl throws errors such "not valid wheel filename" or "not valid wheel resource". stack exchange provides answers errors encounter, encounter further errors trying resolve problems. after 1.5 hours have still managed install numpy (which miraculously worked first time pip).

my question therefore is, how people using windows install python packages painlessly?

any tips gratefully received. please don't suggest install linux. many in advance, izzy

eryksun, thank input, appreciate time you've put in , helpful others well.

the answer found question install winpython http://winpython.sourceforge.net/. obvious, unaware of package. contains packages need (except cpickle, apparently).
