javascript - remove class from JQuery dialog -

using div...

 $("#savedialogsinglefeature").dialog({         width: "auto",         height: "auto",         minheight: "none",         position: { my: "left"+ leftposofmessage + "% top+" + extraheadersize, at: "bottom", of: $("header") },         show: { effect: "slidedown" },         hide: true,         closeonescape: true,         buttons:[],         dialogclass: "alert",      }).parent().appendto("form:first");      //populate text of label     $('#popuplabel').text(popupmessage);      //remove titlebar     $("#savedialogsinglefeature").siblings('div.ui-dialog-titlebar').remove(); 

i can remove titlebar, remove ui-widget-content class dialog.

//neither of these work

$("#savedialogsinglefeature").siblings('ui-widget-content').remove(); $('savedialogsinglefeature').removeclass("ui-widget-content");   

any idea why

what about?


the remove method remove entire element. think missed '#' right element id.
