c++ - Creating and comparing two sets of cards -

how go creating hand of cards based on code below , comparing them without changing of have already? thinking how go , thinking of creating array each hand , populating each hand 5 cards. example:

int handcard[5];         //creating "hand of cards" int otherhand[5];  handcard.getacard[5];    //adding 5 cards each hand otherhand.getacard[5];  if (handcard[5] < otherhand)    //comparing hands    cout << "other hand stronger" << endl; if (handcard[5] > otherhand)    cout << "hand card stronger" << endl; else    cout << "both hands same in value" << endl; 

would work? afraid of changing code (i end messing , having recode whole thing) have done assignment asks want try comparing 2 hands. i've seen code on other sites poker , tried mimic think don't have proper functions go how other sites went this. have been trying c++ around 3-4 months not learned. if there other suggestions make code more efficient, please let me know. thank you.

here code:

#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <random>  using namespace std;  const int suit1(4); const int rank1(13); const string suit[suit1] = { "s", "h", "d", "c" }; const string rank[rank1] = { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "j", "q", "k", "a" };  class card { friend class deck;  public: explicit card(); explicit card(int suit, int rank);  const string cardstring();  const int generate_suite(); const int generate_rank(); const int get_suite(); const int get_rank();  private: int card_suit; int card_rank; };  class deck { public: explicit deck(); const void print_deck(); void getacard(); void shuffle(); private: vector<card> cards_deck; };  int main() {    srand(time(null));     deck _deck;    cout << "****note*****" << endl;    cout << " 'c' stands club, 's' stands spade, " << endl;    cout << " 'd' stands diamond, , 'h' stands heart." << endl;     cout << endl;     cout << "after shuffling, cards are: " << endl;    _deck.shuffle();    _deck.print_deck();     cout << "your cards are: " << endl;    (int index = 0; index < 5; index++)    {        _deck.getacard();    }     cout << "the computers cards are: " << endl;    (int index1 = 0; index1 < 5; index1++)    {        _deck.getacard();    }  system("pause"); return 0; }  card::card() {    card_suit = generate_suite();    card_rank = generate_rank(); }  card::card(int suit, int rank) : card_suit(suit), card_rank(rank) {  }  const int card::generate_suite() {     return rand() % (suit1 - 1) + 0; }  const int card::generate_rank() {     return rand() % (rank1 - 1) + 0; }  const string card::cardstring() {    return suit[get_suite()] + rank[get_rank()]; }  const int card::get_suite() {    return card_suit; }  const int card::get_rank() {    return card_rank; }  deck::deck() {    (unsigned int i(0); < suit1; i++) {     (unsigned int j(0); j < rank1; j++)     {         card card(i, j);         cards_deck.push_back(card);     } } }  const void deck::print_deck() {    unsigned int count(1);     (unsigned int i(0); < cards_deck.size(); i++)    {     cout << cards_deck[i].cardstring() << " ";     if (count = 13)     {         cout << endl;         count = 0;     }     count++; } }  void deck::getacard() {    card r(cards_deck.back().get_suite(), cards_deck.back().get_rank());    cards_deck.pop_back();    cout << r.cardstring() << endl; }  void deck::shuffle() {    srand(time(null));    random_shuffle(cards_deck.begin(), cards_deck.end()); } 

so syntax little off.

int handcard[5]; 

should be:

card handcard[5]; 

also, you're getacard function need return retrieved card, instead of being void.


doesn't because handcard int. changing card doesn't anything, because card doesn't have function. and, lastly, getacard doesn't take value in. you'll need write function like:

vector<card> deck::getacard(int numcards); 

lastly, '<' , '>' symbols don't know poker hands. you'll want come function like:

int deck::comparepokerhands(vector<card> hand1, vector<card> hand2); 

that function can return -1 if hand1 winner, 1 if hand2 winner, or 0 if hands same.
