Distributed Web crawling using Apache Spark - Is it Possible? -

an interesting question asked of me when attended 1 interview regarding web mining. question was, possible crawl websites using apache spark?

i guessed possible, because supports distributed processing capacity of spark. after interview searched this, couldn't find interesting answer. possible spark?

how way:

your application set of websites urls input crawler, if implementing normal app, might follows:

  1. split web pages crawled list of separate site, each site small enough fit in single thread well: for example: have crawl www.example.com/news 20150301 20150401, split results can be: [www.example.com/news/20150301, www.example.com/news/20150302, ..., www.example.com/news/20150401]
  2. assign each base url(www.example.com/news/20150401) single thread, in threads data fetch happens
  3. save result of each thread filesystem.

when application become spark one, same procedure happens encapsulate in spark notion: can customize crawlrdd same staff:

  1. split sites: def getpartitions: array[partition] place split task.
  2. threads crawl each split: def compute(part: partition, context: taskcontext): iterator[x] spread executors of application, run in parallel.
  3. save rdd hdfs.

the final program looks like:

class crawlpartition(rddid: int, idx: int, val baseurl: string) extends partition {}  class crawlrdd(baseurl: string, sc: sparkcontext) extends rdd[x](sc, nil) {    override protected def getpartitions: array[crawlpartition] = {     val partitions = new arraybuffer[crawlpartition]     //split baseurl subsets , populate partitions     partitions.toarray   }    override def compute(part: partition, context: taskcontext): iterator[x] = {     val p = part.asinstanceof[crawlpartition]     val baseurl = p.baseurl      new iterator[x] {        var nexturl = _        override def hasnext: boolean = {          //logic find next url if has one, fill in nexturl , return true          // else false        }                   override def next(): x = {          //logic crawl web page nexturl , return content in x        }     }    } }  object crawl {   def main(args: array[string]) {     val sparkconf = new sparkconf().setappname("crawler")     val sc = new sparkcontext(sparkconf)     val crdd = new crawlrdd("baseurl", sc)     crdd.saveastextfile("hdfs://path_here")     sc.stop()   } } 
