java - Google Plus SignIn / oAuth2 - server side throwing TokenResponseException: 401 Unauthorized -

so i'm building simple system composed of android application , java ee restful service, , i'm having terrible problems authorization google. i'm implementing google+ sign-in , works on client side, is, able obtain user email, jwt idtoken, , server authentication code, i'd exchange access , refresh tokens , store them in database. done follow:

mgoogleapiclient = new googleapiclient.builder(this)     .addapi(plus.api)     .addscope(plus.scope_plus_login)     .addscope(plus.scope_plus_profile)     .addconnectioncallbacks(this)     .addonconnectionfailedlistener(this)     .requestserverauthcode(service_client_id, this)     .build();         // ...         mgoogleapiclient.connect(); 

after successful connection onuploadserverauthcode called.

@override public boolean onuploadserverauthcode(string idtoken, string serverauthcode) {    //...    //when it's called, send serverauthcode server. } 

then on server side use code here:

string clientsecret_location = "/web-inf/classes/client_secret.json"; string redirect_uri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"; list<string> scopes = arrays.aslist("");  googleauthorizationcodeflow getflow() throws ioexception {     if (flow == null) {         inputstream in = context.getresourceasstream(clientsecret_location);         googleclientsecrets clientsecret = googleclientsecrets.load(                 json_factory, new inputstreamreader(in));         flow = new googleauthorizationcodeflow.builder(http_transport,                 json_factory, clientsecret, scopes)                 .setaccesstype("offline").setapprovalprompt("force")                 .build();     }     return flow; }  credential exchangecode(string authorizationcode)         throws codeexchangeexception {     try {         googleauthorizationcodeflow flow = getflow();         googletokenresponse response = flow                 .newtokenrequest(authorizationcode)                 .setredirecturi(redirect_uri).execute();         return flow.createandstorecredential(response, null);     } catch (ioexception e) {         system.err.println("an error occurred: " + e);         throw new codeexchangeexception(null);     } } 

and i'm stuck there.

if use: client_secret.json android app client id:

{    "installed":{        "auth_uri":"",        "token_uri":"",        "client_email":"",        "redirect_uris":["urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob","oob"],        "client_x509_cert_url":"",        "client_id":"",        "auth_provider_x509_cert_url":""    } } 

in exchangecode(string) googleauthorizationcodetokenrequest.execute() throws tokenresponseexception: 401 unauthorized

and if use: client_secret.json service account client id:

{   "private_key_id": "77bee9dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",   "private_key": "-----begin private key-----\nmiicdgibadanbgk ... \u003d\u003d\n-----end private key-----\n",       "client_email": "",       "client_id": "",   "type": "service_account" } 


{     "web": {       "private_key_id": "77bee9dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",       "private_key": "-----begin private key-----\nmiicdgi ... \u003d\u003d\n-----end private key-----\n",       "client_email": "",       "client_id": "",       "type": "service_account"     } } 

in exchangecode() googleauthorizationcodetokenrequest.execute() throws 400 bad request {   "error" : "invalid_request",   "error_description" : "client_secret missing." } 

1) shall know ?
2) what's use of jwt obtained on onuploadserverauthcode ?


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