html - CSS relative element obstructs float -


<style>  div {    width: 500px;  }    ul {    list-style-type: none;    line-height: 1.25em;  }    ul > li {     position: relative;  }    ul > li:before {    content: "\2022";    position: absolute;    font-weight: bold;    font-size: 30px;    line-height: inherit;    left: -0.75em;  }  </style>  <div>  <span style="float:right"><a href="">test link</a><br/>  <a href="">test link</a><br/>  <a href="">test link</a><br/>  <a href="">test link</a><br/>  <a href="">test link</a></span>  <ul>  <li>the <a href="">glowing steel</a> extremely hot , harm touches it. jumping slag bucket instant death, regardless of [[damage threshold]].</li>  <li>the ''"lucky 38 executive override"'' option on terminal on second level supposed part of quest [[the moon comes on tower]], section cut. see quest's notes section details.</li>  <li>the 3 mr. steels found inside, fiends, respawn every 3 game days.</li>  </ul>  </div>

in above example links inaccessible. intended css behavior? there proper fixes?

so far came few inferior solutions:

  1. make float elements position:relative , z-index:1: obviously not general solution.
  2. overflow:hidden on ul element: links accessible, list elements stop wrapping around float.
  3. overflow:hidden on li element: links accessible, list elements wrapping around float. :before content becomes invisible.
  4. z-index: -1 on li elements: links in floats become accessible in exchange of links in list becoming inaccessible.

and, after further thought ended on giving :link elements position:relative , z-index:1. not ideal obviously, guess it's 1 least drawbacks far.

can wrap links in div , set wrapper style:

.link-wrapper{    position:relative;    z-index:9; } 

like in fiddle.


another possible solution might set z-index of <li>'s below 0. this:

ul > li {    position: relative;     z-index:-1; } 

here fiddle.

update 2

here possible solution involves setting negative margin , using transform :before content. bit hacky might work in situtation.

add these styles:

ul > li:before {   display:inline-block;    margin-left:-20px;    margin-right:10px;    transform:translatey(5px); } 

and remove style:

ul > li {     position:relative; } 

here fiddle.


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