list - Android Spinner select Characteristics -

i got annoying problem here , hope can me.

i have list of plants (self defined class). these plants got name, id , characteristics. characteristics saved in strings. f.e. characteristic1 size of plant, characteristic2 design of leafs , on..

i have spinners now, , in each of these spinners selection of 1 characteristic should available (spinner1 got characteristics variable characteristics1 plants, ...) goal can use these spinners give user plants, suits user's selection of characteristics.

any ideas how can implement in non-spaghetti way? i'm bit new programming need help.

i hope explained well, it's quite hard me explaining in second language.

my code:

plant - class

private int pd_id; private string pd_plantname; private string pd_longinfo; private string pd_infochar1; private string pd_infochar2; private string pd_infochar3; private string pd_infochar4; private string pd_infochar5; 


private int i_id; private int i_p_id; private string i_path; private calendar i_date; 

in activity got list of images , list of plants. fill spinner characteristics use code.

arraylist<string> sinfo1 = new arraylist<string>(); while (i < plantlist.size()) {     sinfo1.add(plantlist.get(i).getpd_infochar1());     i++; } arrayadapter<string> spinfo2 = new arrayadapter<string>(this,                 android.r.layout.simple_spinner_item, sinfo1);         spart.settag(1);         spart.setadapter(spinfo1);  spalter.setonitemselectedlistener(new myonitemselectedlistener(spalter)); 

i got 5 times 5 spinners. onitemselectedlistener

public void onitemselected(adapterview<?> parent, view view,                 int position, long id) {             if (sp.gettag() == spalter.gettag()) {                 int i2 = 0;                 while (i2 < plantlist.size()) {                     if (plantlist.get(i2).getpd_infochar1()                             .equalsignorecase((string) sp.getselecteditem())) {                     }                     else{                         if(((string) sp.getselecteditem()).equalsignorecase("--bitte auswählen--")){                          }                         else{                             int pid = plantlist.get(i2).getpd_id();                             plantlist.remove(i2);                             arraylist<image> localilist = getimagelistfromplantid(pid);                             int x = 0;                              while (x < localilist.size()){                                 toast.maketext(entscheidungsbaum.this, localilist.get(x).geti_path(), toast.length_short).show();                                 imagelist.remove(localilist.get(x));                                  x++;                             }                          }                     }                     i2++;                 }             } 

so delete each characteristic wrong images imagelist (which source gridview).

firstly, works not well, wrong images... secondly, code bad, know that. can me find better way adapt imagelist spinner selection?


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