ios - How to parse web service data into NSString? -

i facing problem in parsing data web service response. call web service , response nslog, need capture data nsstring.

here sample code:

-(void)connection:(nsurlconnection *) connection didreceiveresponse:   (nsurlresponse *) response {  }  -(void)connection:(nsurlconnection *) connection didreceivedata:(nsdata *) data {     nsstring *strdata;     strdata = [[nsstring alloc]initwithdata:data encoding:nsutf8stringencoding];      nsxmlparser   *xmlparser = [[nsxmlparser alloc] initwithdata:data];     [xmlparser setdelegate:self];     [xmlparser parse];      soapresultsstring=[[nsmutablestring alloc]init];      recordresults =yes; }   nsstring *xmlparserstring;  nsmutablestring *soapresultsstring;  bool recordresults;  -(void)parserdidenddocument:(nsxmlparser *)parser { }  -(void)parser:(nsxmlparser *)parser didstartelement:(nsstring     *)elementname namespaceuri:(nsstring *) namespaceuri qualifiedname:(nsstring *)qname attributes: (nsdictionary *)attributedict {     xmlparserstring=elementname;      if( [xmlparserstring isequaltostring:@"ns:return"])     {         recordresults =yes;         soapresultsstring = [[nsmutablestring alloc] init];     } }  -(void)parser:(nsxmlparser *)parser foundcharacters:(nsstring *)string {      if( recordresults )     {         [soapresultsstring appendstring: string];         nslog(@"inside%@",string);     }  }  -(void)parser:(nsxmlparser *)parser didendelement:(nsstring *)elementname namespaceuri:(nsstring *)namespaceuri qualifiedname:(nsstring *)qname {     if( [elementname isequaltostring:@"ns:return"])     {         nslog(@"parser==>%@",parser);         nslog(@"namespaceurl==>%@",namespaceuri);         nslog(@"qname==>%@",qname);          nsdata *data = [soapresultsstring datausingencoding:nsutf8stringencoding];         nsdictionary *json = [nsjsonserialization jsonobjectwithdata:data options:0 error:nil];     //   nslog(@"json==>%@",json);          nsarray *planarray = [json objectforkey:@"hello_history"];          nslog(@"planarraycount==>%lu",(unsigned long)[planarray count]);         nsmutablearray *datasource = [nsmutablearray arraywithcapacity:planarray.count];         (int = 0 ; i<[planarray count]; i++)         {              recordresults = no;              txn_id=[[[json valueforkey:@"hello_history"]valueforkey:@"date"]objectatindex:i];              loginid = [[[json valueforkey:@"hello_history"]valueforkey:@"time"]objectatindex:i];          }     } } 

the problem getting outputupto method

-(void)parser:(nsxmlparser *)parser foundcharacters:(nsstring *)string 

but parsing method not @ called

-(void)parser:(nsxmlparser *)parser didendelement:(nsstring *)elementname namespaceuri:(nsstring *)namespaceuri qualifiedname:(nsstring *)qname 

is there alternate way capture string


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