node.js - Stubbing with proxyquire -
how stub following module proxyquire , sinon:
var email = require("emailjs").server.connect.send();
i did following, not working, because when try trigger error within send()
still sends email.
sendmailstub = sinon.stub(email, "send"); testedmodule = proxyquire('../index.js', { 'email': { 'server': { 'send': sendmailstub } } });
and tried:
testedmodule = proxyquire('../index.js', { email: {send: sendmailstub} });
this full test far, fails:
var chai = require('chai'); var sinonchai = require("sinon-chai"); var sinon = require('sinon'); chai.use(sinonchai); var proxyquire = require('proxyquire'); var testedmodule; var expect = chai.expect; describe('invoicer', function () { var nock = require('nock'); var responseoptions = { username: "peter pan", user_address_line_1: "never never land", user_address_line_2: "tree-house 99", user_post_code: "e4 9by", delivery_address_line_1: "hook's boat", delivery_address_line_2: "dock 69", delivery_post_code: "se2 4c", order_number: "234234234", order_date: "20/12/2090", dispatch_date: "20/12/2090", items: [ { product_name: "fairy dust", brand: "airy fairy", quantity: 5, total: 2000 }, { product_name: "pirate sword", brand: "pirate's bay", quantity: 8, total: 2000 } ], grand_total: 4000, user_email: "" } var mailoptions = { text: "hello world" } var scope = nock("") .get("/orders") .reply(200, responseoptions); var sendstub, readfilestub, url, contextdonespy, obj, connectstub; before(function () { readfilestub = sinon.stub(); sendstub = sinon.stub().withargs(mailoptions).callsargwith(1, null, contextdonespy); connectstub = sinon.stub().returns({ send: sendstub }); testedmodule = proxyquire('../index', { 'fs': {readfile: readfilestub}, 'emailjs': { 'server': { 'connect': connectstub } } }); url = ""; contextdonespy = sinon.spy(); obj = { user: 'akiajmhsjrrygkte4toq', password: 'ag3nkpej8dxz4dwyz2in/x8kuhn7lh/bqximb0+i+dwy', host: "", port: 587, tls: true, ssl: false } readfilestub.withargs('./email.html').callsargwith(1, null, 'file1'); connectstub(); }); it("readfile , successful context.done called", function (done) { testedmodule.invoicer(url, obj, { done: function () { contextdonespy.apply(null, arguments); expect(readfilestub).has.been.called; expect(contextdonespy).to.have.been.called; done(); }}); }); });
let's first fix line described emailjs
using documentation
require("emailjs").server.connect({ /* required server options */ }).send(function (err, message) { // function callback node convention signature });
function , should receive parameters, send
doesn't return thing, call callback
proxyquire requires use same module name, email
should emailjs
, on other hand you're wrong assigning stub in proxiquire
, should be
connectstub = sinon.stub().returns(sendstub); sendmailstub = sinon.stub(email, "send"); testedmodule = proxyquire('../index.js', { 'emailjs': { 'server': { 'connect': connectstub } });
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