haskell - Backjump limit reached (change with --max-backjumps) -

i scaffolded yesod project using yesod init && cd lemonstand. when "cabal install", throws error,

backjump limit reached (change --max-backjumps). 

then passed option max-backjumps,

cabal install --max-backjumps 100 

and followed reddit conversation, , did this,

cabal install --max-backjumps 100 --reorder-goals 

none of these steps worked. clues?

100 low backjump count. typically recommend --max-backjumps=-1 set unbounded number. however, more robust way of installing yesod use lts haskell, dependency tree solved , tested stackage project. approach taken the yesod quickstart guide. typically, can achieved running following inside project directory:

wget https://www.stackage.org/lts/cabal.config 

this require you're using ghc 7.8.x, preferably 7.8.4.
