PHP : How to count the number of URLs, hashtags and user_mentions in a Twitter tweet -

i want count number of urls , #hashtags posted in tweet. using php scan twitter feeds. possible count of urls , #hashtags posted in twitter tweet ?

how ?


i tried code

preg_match_all('/#\s*\w/i', $tweet, $matches); var_dump( $matches ); 


array(1) {                      //count1   [0]=>   array(1) {     [0]=>     string(12) "#goodmorning"   } } array(1) {                      //count2   [0]=>   array(1) {     [0]=>     string(11) "#helloworld"   } } array(1) {                      //count3   [0]=>   array(0) {   } } array(1) {                      //count4    [0]=>   array(0) {   } } 

expected output:

number of hashtags = 2 number of urls = 3 (if any)

thank help

based off of answer in retrieve hashtags tweet in php function, adding counting of ouput.

$tweet = "this has #hashtag  #badhash-tag , #goodhash_tag"; preg_match_all("/(#\w+)/", $tweet, $matches); count($matches[0]); 
