- how to remove version information from server error "the resource cannot be found" -

while browsing page, getting error :

server error in '/' application.

the resource cannot found.

description: http 404. resource looking (or 1 of dependencies) have been removed, had name changed, or temporarily unavailable. please review following url , make sure spelled correctly.

requested url: /webresource.axd

version information: microsoft .net framework version:4.0; version:4.0.33

the error expected , need way hide/remove version information.!? if there any...

create custom page want users see , in web.config file have like

<system.web> <customerrors mode="remoteonly" defaultredirect="404.aspx" redirectmode="responseredirect"> <error statuscode="404" redirect="404.aspx" />  ... </customerrors> </system.web> 

there 3 different mode on, off, remoteonly

on - specifies custom errors enabled. if no defaultredirect attribute specified, users see generic error. custom errors shown remote clients , local host.

off - specifies custom errors disabled. detailed errors shown remote clients , local host.

remoteonly - specifies custom errors shown remote clients, , errors shown local host. default value.

the default remoteonly further reading here. might want @ answer if want know difference between customerrors , httperrors
