Why does Preon give a java.lang.InstantiationException for references to inner classes? -

this modified version of imagetest file embeds image class inside main class , produces instantiationexception. i'm wondering why runtime exception being thrown , if there's away work around without splitting out inner class separate file...

/*  * copyright (c) 2009-2010 wilfred springer  *  * file part of preon.  *  * preon free software; can redistribute and/or modify under  * terms of gnu general public license published free software  * foundation; either version 2, or (at option) later version.  *  * preon distributed in hope useful, without  * warranty; without implied warranty of merchantability or fitness  * particular purpose. see gnu general public license more details.  *  * should have received copy of gnu general public license along  * preon; see file copying. if not, write free software  * foundation, inc., 51 franklin street, fifth floor, boston, ma 02110-1301 usa.  *  * linking library statically or dynamically other modules making  * combined work based on library. thus, terms , conditions of  * gnu general public license cover whole combination.  *  * special exception, copyright holders of library give  * permission link library independent modules produce  * executable, regardless of license terms of these independent modules, ,  * copy , distribute resulting executable under terms of choice,  * provided meet, each linked independent module, terms  * , conditions of license of module. independent module  * module not derived or based on library. if modify  * library, may extend exception version of library,  * not obligated so. if not wish so, delete  * exception statement version.  */  import org.codehaus.preon.codecs; import org.codehaus.preon.codec; import org.codehaus.preon.decodingexception; import org.codehaus.preon.annotation.boundlist; import org.codehaus.preon.annotation.boundnumber; import org.codehaus.preon.buffer.byteorder; import org.codehaus.preon.el.importstatic;  public class embeddedimageruntimetest {      public class embeddedimage {          @boundnumber(byteorder = byteorder.bigendian)         private int height;          @boundnumber(byteorder = byteorder.bigendian)         private int width;          @boundlist(size = "height*width")         private color[] pixels;          public int getheight() {             return height;         }          public int getwidth() {             return width;         }          public color[] getpixels() {             return pixels;         }      }      public static void main(string[] args) throws decodingexception {         codec<embeddedimage> codec = codecs.create(embeddedimage.class);         byte[] buffer = new byte[]{                 0, 0, 0, 1,                 0, 0, 0, 1,                 1, 2, 3         };         embeddedimage image = codecs.decode(codec, buffer);         system.out.println("embeddedimage image: " + image);     }  } 
