Get non numeric values from string value c# -

i have value below

string value = "11,.ad23"; int n; bool isnumeric = int.tryparse(value, out n); 

i control if string numeric or not.if string not numeric , has non numeric need get non numeric values below

result must below


how can in c# ?

if doesn't matter if non-digits consecutive, it's simple:

string nonnumericvalue = string.concat(value.where(c => !char.isdigit(c))); 

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if use .net 3.5. mentioned in comment there no overload of string.concat (or string.join in dmytris answer) takes ienumerable<string>, need create array:

string nonnumericvalue = string.concat(value.where(c => !char.isdigit(c)).toarray()); 

that takes non-digits. if instead want take middle part, skip digits, take until the next digits:

string nonnumericvalue = string.concat(value.skipwhile(char.isdigit)                                             .takewhile(c => !char.isdigit(c))); 
