c# - How get Attribute Value in CodeAttribute -

i wrote method attribute value property:

public string getattributevaluebynameattributeandproperty(codeclass cc, string nameattribute, string nameproperty) {     var value = "";     foreach(codeattribute ca in cc.attributes)              {                  if(ca.name.contains(nameattribute) && ca.value.contains(nameproperty))                 {                     value = ca.value.remove(0,ca.value.indexof(nameproperty));                     value = value.replace(" ","");                     if(value.contains(","))                         value = value.remove(ca.value.indexof(","));                 }             }       return value; } 

for example: have attribute [map(name = "menuitem, availability" )]

i call getattributevaluebynameattributeandproperty( codeclass, "map" , "name") after method codeattribute.value , return string: name = "menuitem, availability" after remove "name = " , characters , split ","

but senior programmer told me method inflexible , need find more convenient way inner data in codeattribute.value.

do have ideas / examples?

you can use codeclass.attributes property attributes of class. each attribute of type of codeattribute , has name , children property contains arguments of attribute. each argument of type of codeattributeargument has name , value properties.


now have information need attribute value codeattribute. here example. i've decorated program class [mysample(property1 = "something")] attribute

using system; namespace consolesample {     [mysample(property1 = "something")]     class program     {         static void main(string[] args)         {         }     }     public class mysampleattribute : attribute     {         public string property1 { get; set; }     } } 

and here sample t4 template:

<#@ template debug="true" hostspecific="true" #> <#@ output extension=".txt" #> <#@ assembly name="system.core" #> <#@ assembly name="envdte" #> <#@ assembly name="envdte80" #> <#@ import namespace="system" #> <#@ import namespace="system.linq" #> <#@ import namespace="system.collections.generic" #>  <#@ import namespace="envdte" #>  <#@ import namespace="envdte80" #>  <#     var env = (this.host iserviceprovider).getservice(typeof(envdte.dte)) envdte.dte; var project = env.solution.findprojectitem(this.host.templatefile).containingproject     envdte.project; var codeclass = project.projectitems.item("program.cs").filecodemodel.codeelements                        .oftype<codenamespace>().tolist()[0]                        .members.oftype<codeclass>().tolist()[0]; var attribute = codeclass.attributes.cast<codeattribute>()                          .where(a=>a.name=="mysample").firstordefault(); if(attribute!=null) {     var property = attribute.children.oftype<codeattributeargument>()                             .where(a=>a.name=="property1").firstordefault();     if(property!=null)     {         var value = property.value;         writeline(value);     } } #> 

if run template, receive "something" in output.


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