Display current running project in the Listbox control using C# code -

i building projects making gui in visual studio 2010, need when click button "build" in gui display current building/running project in listbox control , after completion of build , display status of build "build succeeded" along project succeeded.

what have done until is:-

  void fun1()     {              folder1 = drive + @":\foldername";              logfile1 = folder1 + @"\buildlogs";              process msbuild;             msbuild = new process();             devenv = environment.getenvironmentvariable("vs100comntools") + @"..\ide\devenv.exe";               var list = system.io.directory.getfiles(logfile1);             foreach (var item in list)             {                 system.io.file.delete(item);             }               (int k = 0; k < array.length; k++)             {                 (int j = 1; j <= 100; j++)                 {                     updateprogressbar(j);                      this.lbl_currentproject.text = "current project: " + @" " + array[k];                      msbuild.startinfo.useshellexecute = false;                     msbuild.startinfo.createnowindow = true;                       msbuild.startinfo.arguments = folder1 + array[k]  +  @" /out " + logfile1;                     msbuild.startinfo.filename = devenv;                     msbuild.start();                     msbuild.waitforexit();                }}}           private void bn_build_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {         if(cb_thebeast.checked)         {             if(string.isnullorempty(cmb_drive.text))             {                 drive = "-";              }             else             {                 drive = cmb_drive.getitemtext(cmb_drive.selecteditem);             }             fun1();         }         } 

my question how can display current running project in listbox control along label "build succeeded" along projects succeeded, when click build button on gui.

