javascript - reducing recorded audio .wav file size -

i using recorder.js , recorderworker.js record audio. know file type .wav , and file size big. tried 1 solution got previous similar questions asked on stackoverflow still 1 min audio, file size >= 6.5 mb. instead of both channels using single channel. these following changes have mad in javascript.

in recorder.js-->

this.node.onaudioprocess = function(e){       if (!recording) return;       var buffer = [];       (var channel = 0; channel <1; channel++){           buffer.push(e.inputbuffer.getchanneldata(channel));       }       worker.postmessage({         command: 'record',         buffer: buffer       });     } 

in recorderworker.js-->

function record(inputbuffer){   (var channel = 0; channel < 1; channel++){     recbuffers[channel].push(inputbuffer[channel]);   }   reclength += inputbuffer[0].length; }  function exportwav(type){   var bufferl = mergebuffers(recbuffers[0], reclength);   var dataview = encodewav(bufferl);   var audioblob = new blob([dataview], { type: type });   this.postmessage(audioblob); }  function getbuffer(){   var buffers = [];   (var channel = 0; channel < 1; channel++){     buffers.push(mergebuffers(recbuffers[channel], reclength));   }   this.postmessage(buffers); }  function interleave(inputl, inputr){   var length = inputl.length;   var result = new float32array(length);   var index = 0,     inputindex = 0;    while (index < length){     result[index++] = inputl[inputindex];     //result[index++] = inputr[inputindex];     inputindex++;   }   return result; }  /* channel count */ view.setuint16(22, 1, true); /* block align (channel count * bytes per sample) */   view.setuint16(32, 2, true); 

i tried convert mp3 file type using libmp3lame.js slow plus can't record >2 min audio using this.

what asking first, there doing wrong because of size not getting reduced? second, there anyother way reduce size?


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