CKEditor with "Univers LT Std 45 Light" font type -

could please confirm whether ckeditor supports font "univers lt std 45 light". reason after updated config follows:

config.font_names = ckeditor.config.font_names + ';univers lt std 45 light'; 

i not see font being applied in editor, instead defaults "arial". have font installed in pc (windows\fonts).

am using correct font-name this?

regards, martin

i want share solution found problem.

in case, client had installed font (otf) 'univers lt std 45 light', needed make work. unfortunately explained in first question, ckeditor sanitising font , defaulting arial. in order avoid , let ckeditor behaves correctly, need set config follows:

config.font_names = ckeditor.config.font_names + ';univers 45 light/univers lt std'; 

this working fine me now. not find information font used in ckeditor, think found answer.

hope going through same problem.

