java - How to remove the Ehcache WARN messages when using Hibernate -

i have ehcache xml configuration:

<ehcache>     <defaultcache             maxelementsinmemory="10000"             eternal="false"             timetoidleseconds="120"             timetoliveseconds="120"             overflowtodisk="false"             diskspoolbuffersizemb="30"             diskpersistent="false"             diskexpirythreadintervalseconds="120"             memorystoreevictionpolicy="lru"             /> </ehcache> 

and also, have packages entities (around 150). if deploy application on tomcat server, there lot warn messages in log:

2015-04-29 11:59:02,712 [rmi tcp connection(3)-] warn org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.abstractehcacheregionfactory - hhh020003: not find specific ehcache configuration cache named []; using defaults.

i can write configuration each entity -

<cache name=""                       maxentrieslocalheap="50"                       eternal="false"                       overflowtodisk="false"                     timetoliveseconds="120">                 <persistence strategy="localtempswap"/>         </cache> 

but in way, configuration file become large (1600 rows). think there exist way set default config each entity , kill warn messages, don't know how it. if know, please help. many thanks.

this hibernate ehcache cache region code logs warning message:

private ehcache getcache(string name) throws cacheexception {     try {         ehcache cache = manager.getehcache( name );         if ( cache == null ) {             log.unabletofindehcacheconfiguration( name );             manager.addcache( name );             cache = manager.getehcache( name );             log.debug( "started ehcache region: " + name );         }         hibernateehcacheutils.validateehcache( cache );         return cache;     }     catch (net.sf.ehcache.cacheexception e) {         throw new cacheexception( e );     }  } 

as can see, have 2 options:

  1. you either declare cache region in ehcache.xml file.
  2. you set 'org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.abstractehcacheregionfactory' log level error:

    for log4j2:

    <logger name="org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.abstractehcacheregionfactory" level="error">     <appenderref ref="file"/> </logger> 
