scala - How to make elastic4s store _timestamp field? -

i'm able enable timestamp on mapping :

"sometype" (    "somefield" typed stringtype ) timestamp true 

but able retrieve when searching using "fields": ["_timestamp"] needs have store attribute set true. if :

"sometype" (    "somefield" typed stringtype,    "_timestamp" typed longtype/datetype store true ) timestamp true 

then not returned _search:

get /myindex/sometype/_search  {   "fields": ["_timestamp"],   "query" : {      "match_all" : {}     } } 

the resulting mapping looks :

"sometype": {     "dynamic": "dynamic",     "_timestamp": {        "enabled": true     },     "properties": {         "_timestamp": {           "store": "yes",           "type": "long"        }     } 


but i've got feeling should :

"sometype": {     "dynamic": "dynamic",     "_timestamp": {        "enabled": true,        "store": true     },     "properties": {         "_timestamp": {           "store": "yes",           "type": "long"        }     }     } 

which cannot done using elastic4s dsl because doesn't have special handling fields named _timestamp field goes properties instead of fields in mapping...

elastic4s version 1.5.7 allows set timestamp this:

create index("myindex") mappings(   mapping name "foo" timestamp {     timestamp enabled true format "qwerty" store true path "somepath"   } ) 

path, format, , store optional.


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