counter - How to set a value at moduleEN - VHDL -
i've code:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity controller port ( clk : in std_logic; outenable : out std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); modulereset : in std_logic; moduleenable : in std_logic ); end controller; architecture controller_archi of controller signal counter : integer range 0 4200 := 0; begin process (clk, modulereset) begin if modulereset = '0' outenable <= (others => '0'); counter <= 0; elsif rising_edge(clk) if moduleenable = '1' counter <= counter + 1; case counter when 0 => outenable <= "001"; when 450 => outenable <= "010"; when 900 => outenable <= "100"; when 1350 => outenable <= "001"; counter <= 0; when others => end case; else outenable <= "000"; end if; end if; end process; end controller_archi;
but it's not working need.
what need:
- when moduleenable goes '1' instantly outenable goes "001" , not @ first rising_edge(clk) (now, in code, if moduleenable goes '1' outenable doesn't change "000" "001", change "001" after first rising_edge(clk))
- counter go when rising_edge(clk) , outenable it's updated every clk event. (now, in code, counter go when rising_edge(clk) outenable it's updated when rising_edge(clk) , not when clk goes , goes down)
so i've modified code that:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity controller port ( clk : in std_logic; outenable : out std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); modulereset : in std_logic; moduleenable : in std_logic ); end controller; architecture controller_archi of controller signal counter : integer range 0 4200 := 0; begin process (clk, moduleenable, modulereset) begin if modulereset = '0' outenable <= (others => '0'); counter <= 0; elsif moduleenable = '1' if rising_edge(clk) counter <= counter + 1; end if; case counter when 0 => outenable <= "001"; when 450 => outenable <= "010"; when 900 => outenable <= "100"; when 1350 => outenable <= "001"; counter <= 0; when others => end case; else counter <= 0; outenable <= "000"; end if; end process; end controller_archi;
now code work need in modelsim, when synthesize or compile , simulate again doesn't work.
my question is:
what it's wrong second code , how can fix it?
if can't fix second code how can modify first code work need?
what it's wrong second code , how can fix it?
your synthesis tool fussy how clock , reset lines connected. have use structure like:
if modulereset = '0' ... elsif rising_edge(clk)
or synthesis tool cannot recognise clock , reset lines.
if can't fix second code how can modify first code work need?
you need move "outenable" outside of first process, , process of own. you've said, outenable should not register - should combinatorial function of counter, modulereset , moduleenable. try this.
process (clk, modulereset) begin if modulereset = '0' counter <= 0; elsif rising_edge(clk) if moduleenable = '1' counter <= counter + 1; case counter when 1350 => counter <= 0; when others => null; end case; end if; end if; end process; process (counter, modulereset, moduleenable) begin outenable <= "000"; if modulereset = '1' , moduleenable = '1' case counter when 0 .. 449 => outenable <= "001"; when 450 .. 899 => outenable <= "010"; when 900 .. 1349 => outenable <= "100"; when others => outenable <= "001"; end case; end if; end process;
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