python - Django multi tenancy -

tl; dr: there way override default behaviour of reverse?

in django project have alot of urls such as

 url(r'^\w+/company/', include("company.urls", namespace="company")), 

which allows urls such as

.../companya/company/ .../companyb/company/ 

so can use custom middleware modify request include specific details based upon company using site

this works fine except when django trying decipher full path reverse , {% url .. %}...

it seems returning /x/company/ default match regex. since django.utils.regex_helper method next_char has escape mapping \w map x

the url tag have been able override replace /x/ correct company name , wondering if there similar thing can override reverse in same way, or else can resolve problem?

previously, using

url(r'^(?p<company_name>\w+)/company/', include("company.urls", namespace="company")) 

but meant had include parameter in every view

def view(request, company_name):     ... 

as include in other calls view (i.e {% url %}) trying avoid.

for ease of use, django packages compiled page full of every possible existing django package can accomplish this. below own simple implementation

i modified nginx proxy config use following

server_name ~(?<short_url>\w+)\.domainurl\.com$;  ... stuff related static files here location / {         proxy_set_header x-customurl $short_url;         .... other proxy settings } 

what create variable inside request header can used within django. variable used within custom middleware extend request reference model allows use anywhere.

class companymiddleware(object):         def process_request(self, request):         if settings.debug:    = companyclass.objects.get(id=1)             return none          short_url = request.meta.get("http_x_customurl")          try:             company = companyclass.objects.get(short_url=short_url)         except model.doesnotexist:             return httpresponsebadrequest('company not found') = company          return none 

examples:   # short_url companya           # short_url test 

to use within template, context processors must added

template_context_processors = (     "django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth",     "django.core.context_processors.debug",     "django.core.context_processors.i18n",     "",     'django.core.context_processors.request'  # 1 in particular ) 
