python - How can I create a plane using turtle and for statements? -

my teacher me use turtle make plane (graphing plane) for statements. can't figure out wondering if provide code me.

#my start of code import turtle wn = turtle.screen() t = turtle.turtle() 

maybe example helpful. it's hard learn program merely reading code, need experimental: pull apart & put again until understand different pieces doing. play code, , try modifying various things see happens.

#! /usr/bin/env python  ''' draw squared grid filling visible portion of turtle window     written pm 2ring 2015.04.30 '''  import turtle  def draw_lines(current, num, length, delta):     in range(num):         turtle.up()         turtle.goto(current)         turtle.down()         turtle.forward(length)         current += delta  def draw_grid(step):     cols = turtle.window_width() // step     rows = turtle.window_height() // step     mx, = cols * step, rows * step     origin = turtle.vec2d(-mx // 2, -my // 2)      #horizontals     delta = turtle.vec2d(0, step)     draw_lines(origin, rows + 1, mx, delta)      #verticals     turtle.left(90)     delta = turtle.vec2d(step, 0)     draw_lines(origin, cols + 1, my, delta)  def main():     turtle.setup(width=0.8, height=0.8)     turtle.hideturtle()     turtle.speed(0)      draw_grid(25)      #wait window closed     turtle.done()   if __name__ == '__main__':     main() 


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