c++ - What do you mean by Sorting? -

first of i'm 14, , have 2yrs experience of coding. 6 months experience in c++. know basic python, java , c++.

i have 3 questions:

1) quickest sorting algorithm?

2) there in-built function sorting?

3) thing called time complexity?

1) quickest sorting algorithm? since 2011 two-pivot-quicksort (yaroslavski) fastest , 10 % faster quicksort. in java library. should use insertion sort small sublists.

2) there in-built function sorting?

no, libraries contain fast sorting functions

3) thing called time complexity?

it rough measure estimated time needed perform algorithm. quicksort (and 2-pivot-quicksort) need o(n ln n) means unsorted list of lenght n (n=300) need multiple of n*ln(n) steps (300*ln300~1711) complete sort. factor not specified , implicitly contained in notation o() (google big-oh!)
