point of sale - Verifone vx520 change printer font -

i want change verifone vx520 internal printer font. have written program in c , used font designer tool creating printer font. have used <esc>m<s><t> command download font table still can't change printer's font. how can it?

rather using straight escape sequences, may consider using "p3700_" functions on 520. specifically, want p3700_dnld_font_file() , p3700_select_font().

according documentation:

#include <printer.h> short p3700_dnld_font_file(short handle, //the open printer handle short h_font_file, //the open file handle short font_table //font table select );  short p3700_select_font(short h_comm_port, // open printer handle short font_size, // size of font short font_table // font table select ); 

the documentation has part of example program (modified slightly):

//variable declarations int handle; // file handle printer open_block_t parm; // structure fill comm parameters com port int h_font_file; // handle font file  //open printer handle = open("/dev/com4", 0);  //initialize printer memset(&parm,0,sizeof(parm)); parm.rate = rt_19200; // itp set 19200 baud parm.format = fmt_a8n1 | fmt_auto |fmt_rts; // itp set @ 8n1 parm.protocol = p_char_mode; parm.parameter = 0; set_opn_blk(handle, &parm); svc_wait(200); p3700_init(handle, 6); svc_wait(100);  // download 16x16 printer font file containing 128 chars offset 0 127 h_font_file = open("16x16.pft", o_rdonly); // download printer font file @ font table 1 p3700_dnld_font_file (handle, h_font_file, 1); strcpy((char *)printbuf,(const char *)"printing 16x16 font\n\n"); p3700_print(handle, printbuf); p3700_select_font(handle, 0x01, 1); // 0x01 corresponds 16x16 font size p3700_print(handle, printbuf); 

i have tested both p3700_ print functions , p3300_ functions , both seem work fine. few notes troubleshooting:

  1. make sure have #include <printer.h> in code
  2. when saving font file, select correct printer type. if using p3700 function calls, save "verix 37xx" printer type. if using p3300 calls, save "verix 33xx".
  3. if copying example code, you'll need make sure custom font size 16x16 , save font table 1 (select font table on same dialog select printer type). if different, you'll need change p3700_select_font accordingly.
  4. be sure remember download font terminal.
  5. check return values of function. example, open should return positive file handle number , p3700_dnld_font_file should return number of font characters downloaded, etc.

here similar question , answer regarding printing graphics.

if want stick escape sequences, i'm not sure getting <esc>m<s><t> from. 23230_verix_v_operating_system_programmers_manual shows:

<esc>m<c><r1>...<rn>; downloads fonts memory.

and then

<esc>l<s><t>; selects font table printing , downloading.

personally, tend avoid escape sequences other toggling double wide, double height , inverse.
