swift - UIButton button titles changes by itself on click of another button to its title -

i have 12 buttons in app. last button title changes title of other button press. example, if button 3's title joe, last button (tag 12) automatically changes joe (even though there no code change title. weird!

ps: set title in code:

func btnseticon(btnnumber: int){      println("in btnseticon btnnumber = \(btnnumber)")      btn.titlelabel?.numberoflines = 2     btn.titlelabel?.textalignment = nstextalignment.center     btn.titlelabel?.adjustsfontsizetofitwidth = true      detail1.keyboardtype = uikeyboardtype.asciicapable     detail1.rightviewmode = uitextfieldviewmode.never      switch btnnumber {         case 1: btn.settitle("bucket\nlist", forstate: .normal)         case 2: btn.settitle("shop\nlist", forstate: .normal)         case 3: btn.settitle("grocery\nlist", forstate: .normal)         case 4: btn.settitle("to do\nlist", forstate: .normal)         case 5: btn.settitle("notes\nto self", forstate: .normal)         case 6: btn.settitle("sos\nlist", forstate: .normal)         case 7: btn.settitle("phone\n#'s", forstate: .normal)         case 8: btn.settitle("event\nlist", forstate: .normal)         case 9: btn.settitle("your 1\nlist", forstate: .normal)         case 10: btn.settitle("your 2\nlist", forstate: .normal)         case 11: btn.settitle("your 3\nlist", forstate: .normal)         case 12: btn.settitle("your 4\nlist", forstate: .normal)         default: btn.settitle("✚", forstate: .normal)     } } 

you not passing variable btn btnseticon(), must property of viewcontroller. btn left set last button added viewcontroller, when call btnseticon(), button gets updated.

perhaps want in btnseticon():

if let btn = self.view.viewwithtag(btnnumber) as? uibutton {     // update btn in here } 
