powershell - How can I find the product GUID of an installed MSI setup? -

i need find product guid installed msi file in order perform maintenance such patching, uninstall , auditing purposes.

fire powershell (hold down windows key, tap r, release windows key, type in "powershell" , press ok) , run following command list of installed msi package product codes along local cache package path , product name (maximize powershell window avoid truncated names):

get-wmiobject win32_product | format-table identifyingnumber, name, localpackage -autosize 

the output should similar this:

enter image description here

if want upgradecode or other properties, can open installation msi product location specified "localpackage". in "property table" upgradecode.

to open files, use orca or packaging tool. here discussion of different tools (any of them do): what installation product use? installshield, wix, wise, advanced installer, etc

you can output in list form (instead of table):

get-wmiobject -class win32_product 

in case output similar this:

enter image description here

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