how to get keys which does not match a particular pattern in redis? -

in redis, keys user* print keys starting user. example:

keys user* 1) "user2" 2) "user1" 

now, want keys don't start user printed. how that?

important: use scan instead of (the evil) keys
do not use <code>keys</code>

redis' pattern matching functionally limited (see implementation of stringmatchlen in util.c) , not provide seek atm. said, consider following possible routes:

  1. extend stringmatchlen match requirements, possibly submitting pr.
  2. consider you're trying - fetching subset of keys going inefficient unless index them, consider tracking names of non-user keys (i.e.g. in redis set) instead.
  3. if insistent on scanning entire keyspace , match against negative patterns, 1 way accomplish little bit of lua magic.

consider following dataset , script:> dbsize (integer) 0> set user:1 1 ok> set use:the:force luke ok> set non:user ok 

lua (save scanregex.lua):

local re = argv[1] local nt = argv[2]  local cur = 0 local rep = {} local tmp  if not re   re = ".*" end  repeat   tmp ="scan", cur, "match", "*")   cur = tonumber(tmp[1])   if tmp[2]     k, v in pairs(tmp[2])       local fi = v:find(re)        if (fi , not nt) or (not fi , nt)         rep[#rep+1] = v       end     end   end until cur == 0 return rep 

output - first time regular matching, 2nd time complement:

foo@bar:~$ redis-cli --eval scanregex.lua , "^user" 1) "user:1" foo@bar:~$ redis-cli --eval scanregex.lua , "^user" 1 1) "use:the:force" 2) "non:user" 


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