rest - API Authentication Method - am I doing it correctly? -

i'm incredibly new building api authentication - wanted ensure i'm going correct way there major security flaws i'm not aware of.

it's based on secret/private key pair, both client , server know secret key, it's never passed along wire.

any feedback, insights or holes in method appreciated.

step 1:

the client wants make request api, asks nonce server - passing public key.

step 2:

the server lookups users private key (using provided public key) , hashes (sha256) random 32 character string (the nonce).

the hashed nonce , public key stored local array.

the server responds client un-hashed version of nonce.

step 3:

the client takes nonce response , hashes it's private key (which client has locally).

it makes request server (along api task wants perform) , sends version of hashed nonce , public key.

step 4:

the server takes clients public key , hashed nonce, checks local array see if public key/nonce pair exist.

if pair exist; authentication passed, request allowed , public key/nonce pair removed local array.

let me start saying don't have credentials in security world. please take grain of salt.

a couple of general thoughts

it seems want roll own a bad idea in security-related area. more when there several alternatives in wild have been battle-tested.

off top of head, can name 3 ways api authentication in wide use:

  1. basic authentication. github provides fall-back: “intended used scripts or testing (i.e., cases full oauth overkill).”

  2. oauth. github, twitter, facebook, linkedin, google use this. protocol well-specified might overkill smaller projects. widespread client library, it's easy implement.

  3. hash-based message authentication code (hmac). amazon webservices use this. might under-appreciated solution since it's conceptually easier oauth: client uses private key sign requests , send signature + public key in request. server looks private key using public key sent client , in turn creates signature of request. if signatures match, request valid. public , private keys have exchanged beforehand (aws lets download private key once).

from describe, hmac closest candidate want.

a couple of thoughts specific suggested

  1. your algorithm requires keep state on server (cue “local array”). fine single server, do when scale? when step #2 hits 1 server , step #3 another, state has shared. can of course use shared db (or cache) or whatever, have think this.

  2. roundtrips. requiring 2-step authentication suggested, every client has either send additional request (to nonce) each (payload) request or have think when invalidate pairs on server. hmac same thing without request overhead.

  3. possible attack: can flood servers client requests nonces. depending on public key length, might come valid public keys , can tie resources never used second request. depending on how handle (see point #1), might bring server down.
