ios - After update to Fabric the Mac App does not configure my project -

i updated crashlytics fabric. when open mac app , try update projects stops @ "build project".

my project setup little bit complicated, have multiple targets build works none of them (nor of them)

is there way manually update? not find hint on crashlytics pages, nor duplicate of crashlytics in ios won't proceed past "build project" in fabric app

you can add fabric.framework , crashlytics.framework manually , enable them selected targets. also, add info.plist:

<key>fabric</key> <dict>     <key>kits</key>     <array>         <dict>             <key>kitinfo</key>             <dict/>             <key>kitname</key>             <string>crashlytics</string>         </dict>     </array>     <key>apikey</key>     <string>your_fabric_key</string> </dict> 

and build phases - run script every target wish use crashlytics. can use same key every target it's company, not application specific:

shell: /bin/sh

./fabric.framework/run your_fabric_key build_secret 

i assume have in appdelegate:

[fabric with:@[crashlyticskit]]; 
