ruby on rails - Prawn generating PDF on localhost but not on server -

i working on ruby on rails application uses prawn generate pdf's when user clicks on link. functionality works when running application on localhost when deploy server , click on link file doesnt load message "failed load pdf document".

i have done research , seen references in other places regarding other documents generating gems none specific prawn. requests additional information gladly met.

i think showing code might here goes. financial application page lists statements view button , pdf icon view them pdf format. when user clicks on pdf icon prawn comes play. hope clarify problem somewhat.

controller code:

    require 'json'  internetbanking.controllers :statements   :index     @today =     render 'statements/listing'   end    :listing     @today =     render 'statements/listing'   end    :activity, provides: [:json]     content_type :json{|x| { => x.activity}}.to_json   end    :show, map: "/statements/:id", provides: [:html, :pdf]     begin       m = params[:id].force_encoding('utf-8').match(/(\d+)-(\w+)-(\d+)/)       accountno = m[1].to_i       month     = date::monthnames.index(m[2])       year      = m[3].to_i        raise exception if month.nil? or year.nil?        # fetch account_id logged in customer, prevent crafted urls.       @account = @customer.fetch_account(accountno)        raise exception if @account.nil?        @statement = @account.statement(year, month)        # todo: deal no transactions       if content_type == :pdf         content_type 'application/pdf'         @statement.to_pdf       else # html         render 'statements/show'       end       rescue         flash[:error]= 'you cannot have empty month field'     end   end end 

model code:


class statement    attr_accessor :opening_balance, :closing_balance     def initialize(acct, year = nil, month = nil)     @db = database.instance     @account    = acct     @year       = year     @month      = month     @month_name = date::monthnames[@month]   end    def to_s     "#{@account.number}-#{@month_name}-#{@year}"   end    def to_pdf     title =     subtitle = "account statement: #{@month_name} #{@year}", subtitle, transactions).render   end    def transactions     return @transactions if @transactions       start  = date.civil(@year, @month).strftime('%y-%m-%d')     finish = date.civil(@year, @month, -1).strftime('%y-%m-%d')       rows ='ibstatement2', @account.account_id, start, finish)     @transactions = {|txn|}   end end 


require 'prawn'  class statementpdf < prawn::document   box_margin   = 36   # additional indentation keep line measure reasonable size   inner_margin = 30   # vertical rhythm settings   rhythm  = 10   leading = 2   # colors   black      = "000000"   light_gray = "f2f2f2"   gray       = "dddddd"   dark_gray  = "333333"   brown      = "a4441c"   orange     = "f28157"   light_gold = "fbfbbe"   dark_gold  = "ebe389"   blue       = "0000d0"   grey       = "cccccc"    def initialize(title, subtitle, rows)     @rows = rows     @title = title     @subtitle = subtitle      super(page_size: 'a4')       define_grid(columns: 4, rows: 16, gutter: 10)        header        transactions_table        footer     end   end    private    def header      grid([0,0],[1,0]).bounding_box       image 'public/images/statement/logo.png', width: 110     end      grid([0,1],[1,1]).bounding_box       font_size 10       text 'yada', font_weight: 'bold'       font_size 9       text 'yada'       text 'yada'       text 'yada'       text 'yada'       text 'yada'       text 'yada'     end      grid([0,2],[0,3]).bounding_box       font_size(20)       text @title, color: '#0044aa', :align => :right       font_size(14)       text @subtitle, color: '#0044aa', :align => :right, :valign => :bottom     end      font_size(12)   end     def footer     grid([15,0],[15,3]).bounding_box       image 'public/images/statement-logo.png', width: 100     end   end    def transactions_table     grid([2,0], [13,3]).bounding_box       data = [%w(date description amount balance)]       data +={|r| [r.value_date, r.description, r.amount, r.balance]}       options = { header: true, width: 520,            column_widths: {0 => 100, 2 => 100},           row_colors: ['eeeeee', 'ffffff']}       table(data, options)          cells.padding      = 5         cells.border_width = 0.5         cells.border_color = grey          row(0).font_weight = 'bold'         row(0).border_color = black         row(1).border_top_color = black          column(2).align = :right         column(3).align = :right       end     end   end end 

view code:

- content_for :title, 'full statement listing'  - content_for :toolbar   %a.back(href='/balances')  %table   %thead     %tr       %th.year(rowspan=2) year       %th.month(rowspan=2) month       %th.accounts{colspan: @customer.accounts.size} accounts     %tr       - @customer.accounts.each |account|         %th=   - @today.year.downto(@today.year - 3) |year|     %tbody       - x = (@today.year == year) ? @today.month : 12       - x.downto(1) |month|         %tr           - if month == x             %td{rowspan: x}= year           %td= date::monthnames[month]           - @customer.accounts.each |acct|             - if acct.activity[year] && acct.activity[year][month]               %td{'data-transactions' => acct.activity[year][month]}                 - stmt = acct.statement(year, month)                 = link_to 'view', url(:statements, :show, id: stmt.to_s)                 = link_to image_tag('/icons/document-pdf.png', alt: 'download pdf'), url(:statements, :show, id: stmt, format: :pdf), class: :pdf             - else               %td 
