c - Get Parent Process Name (Windows) -

i trying name of parent process (full path) in windows console application (c/c++). looks should work, failing , can't see doing wrong. getting parent pid, failing on getting name. corrections appreciated.

#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <tlhelp32.h> #include <psapi.h>  dword getparentpid(dword pid) {     handle h = null;     processentry32 pe = { 0 };     dword ppid = 0;     pe.dwsize = sizeof(processentry32);     h = createtoolhelp32snapshot(th32cs_snapprocess, 0);     if( process32first(h, &pe))      {                  {             if (pe.th32processid == pid)              {                 ppid = pe.th32parentprocessid;                 break;             }         } while( process32next(h, &pe));     }     closehandle(h);     return (ppid); }  int getprocessname(dword pid, puchar fname, dword sz) {     handle h = null;     int e = 0;     h = openprocess     (         process_query_information,         false,         pid     );     if (h)      {         if (getmodulefilenameex(h, null, fname, sz) == 0)             e = getlasterror();         closehandle(h);     }     else     {         e = getlasterror();     }     return (e); }  int main(int argc, char *argv[])  {     dword pid, ppid;     int e;     char fname[max_path] = {0};     pid = getcurrentprocessid();     ppid = getparentpid(pid);     e = getprocessname(ppid, fname, max_path);     printf("ppid=%d err=%d exe={%s}\n", ppid, e, fname); } 

additional information: openprocess returning 5 (error_access_denied). if add process_vm_read suggested, returns 299 (error_partial_copy). can open current process, not parent process.

call openprocess additional process_vm_read flag , should work:

h = openprocess     (     process_query_information | process_vm_read,     false,     pid     ); 

also @ possible duplicate mentioned mekap


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