excel - How do I get vba loop result to populate a combobox? -

problem: need search list of worksheets in active workbook , return name of every worksheet has cell value matches search input. names of these worksheets need populate userform combobox duplicates.

partial solution: i've been able reverse-engineer piece of code of above. however, worksheet names populate msgbox duplication. how make result populate combobox instead?

i've been experimenting outputting collection writing results new worksheet, these option still in conceptual phase, have no code post.

update (some code):

public sub finddate() 'find date data on sheets  dim ws worksheet dim rngfind range dim mydate string dim firstaddress string dim addressstr string dim findnum integer dim sheetarray(299) integer dim arrayindex integer  mydate = inputbox("enter date find")  if mydate = "" exit sub  each ws in activeworkbook.worksheets     'do not search following sheets     ws         if ws.name = "cm chapters" goto mynext         if ws.name = "cm codes" goto mynext         if ws.name = "pcs categories" goto mynext         if ws.name = "pcs chapters" goto mynext         if ws.name = "pcs code" goto mynext      set rngfind = .columns(41).find(what:=mydate, lookin:=xlvalues, lookat:=xlpart, matchcase:=false)          if not rngfind nothing         firstaddress = rngfind.address              findnum = findnum + 1         addressstr = addressstr & .name & vbcrlf  ''''original working code     '            addressstr = addressstr & .name & " " & rngfind.address & vbcrlf ''''modified remove excess text                                set rngfind = .columns(41).findnext(rngfind)      loop while not rngfind nothing , rngfind.address <> firstaddress end if  mynext:     end      next ws          if len(addressstr) ''''    original working code '                msgbox "found: "" & mydate & "" " & findnum & " times." & vbcr & _ '                addressstr, vbokonly, mydate & " found in these cells" ''''    modified to remove excess text              msgbox vbcr & addressstr         else:             msgbox "unable find " & mydate & " in workbook.", vbexclamation         end if  end sub 

try this

do     findnum = findnum + 1      addressstr = addressstr & .name     combobox1.additem addressstr 'replace combobox1 combobox name     addressstr = addressstr & vbcrlf ' if still want add line feed                                  set rngfind = .columns(41).findnext(rngfind)  loop while not rngfind nothing , rngfind.address <> firstaddress 
