video - To refresh imshow in Matlab? -
i want convert answer's code imshow
. creates movie in movie2avi by
%# preallocate nframes = 20; mov(1:nframes) = struct('cdata',[], 'colormap',[]); %# create movie k=1:nframes surf(sin(2*pi*k/20)*z, z) mov(k) = getframe(gca); end close(gcf) movie2avi(mov, 'mypeaks1.avi', 'compression','none', 'fps',10);
my pseudocode
%# preallocate nframes = 20; mov(1:nframes) = struct('cdata',[], 'colormap',[]); %# create movie k=1:nframes imshow(signal(:,k,:),[1 1 1]) % or imshow(signal(:,k,:)) drawnow mov(k) = getframe(gca); end close(gcf) movie2avi(mov, 'mypeaks1.avi', 'compression','none', 'fps',10);
however, creates animation in screen, saves avi -file size 0 kb. file mypeaks1.avi
stored after running surf command not imshow
. not sure command drawnow
actual case code
%% hsv 3rd version % rgbimage = imread(''); % extract blue using hsv hsvimage=rgb2hsv(rgbimage); i=rgbimage; r=i(:,:,1); g=i(:,:,2); b=i(:,:,3); r((hsvimage(:,:,1)>(280/360))|(hsvimage(:,:,1)<(200/360)))=255; g((hsvimage(:,:,1)>(280/360))|(hsvimage(:,:,1)<(200/360)))=255; b((hsvimage(:,:,1)>(280/360))|(hsvimage(:,:,1)<(200/360)))=255; i2= cat(3, r, g, b); % binarize image, getting pixels "blue" bw=im2bw(rgb2gray(i2),0.9999); % label repeated signal. % find , separate background signal using label. % label each "blob" lbl=bwlabel(~bw); % find blob highes amount of data. signal. r=histc(lbl(:),1:max(lbl(:))); [~,idxmax]=max(r); % profit! signal=rgbimage; signal(repmat((lbl~=idxmax),[1 1 3]))=255; background=rgbimage; background(repmat((lbl==idxmax),[1 1 3]))=255; %% error testing comp_image = rgb2gray(abs(double(rgbimage) - double(signal))); if ( sum(sum(comp_image(32:438, 96:517))) > 0 ) break; end %% video % 5001 units 13.90 (= 4.45 + 9.45) seconds. % in rgb, original size 480x592. % resize 480x491 signal = signal(:, 42:532, :); % show 7 seconds (298 units) @ time. % imshow(signal(:, 1:298, :)); %% video videowriter % movie2avi deprecated in matlab % % %# figure hfig = figure('menubar','none', 'color','white'); z = peaks; h = imshow(z, [], 'initialmagnification',1000, 'border','tight'); colormap parula; axis tight manual off; set(gca, 'nextplot','replacechildren', 'visible','off'); % set(gcf,'renderer','zbuffer'); % on windows %# preallocate n = 40; % 491; vidobj = videowriter('mypeaks3.avi'); vidobj.quality = 100; vidobj.framerate = 10; open(vidobj); %# create movie k=1:n set(h, 'cdata', signal(:,k:k+40,:)) % drawnow writevideo(vidobj, getframe(gca)); end %# save avi file close(vidobj);
how can substitute drawing function imshow or corresponding? how can store animation correctly?
here code try:
%// plot hfig = figure('menubar','none', 'color','white'); z = peaks; %h = surf(z); h = imshow(z, [], 'initialmagnification',1000, 'border','tight'); colormap jet axis tight manual off %// preallocate movie structure n = 40; mov = struct('cdata',cell(1,n), 'colormap',cell(1,n)); %// aninmation k=1:n %set(h, 'zdata',sin(2*pi*k/n)*z) set(h, 'cdata',sin(2*pi*k/n)*z) drawnow mov(k) = getframe(hfig); end close(hfig) %// save avi movie, , open video file movie2avi(mov, 'file.avi', 'compression','none', 'fps',10); winopen('file.avi')
result (not video, gif animation):
depending on codecs installed on machine, can apply video compression, e.g:
movie2avi(mov, 'file.avi', 'compression','xvid', 'quality',100, 'fps',10);
(assuming have xvid encoder installed).
here implementation of code posted:
%%// extract blue ecg signal %// retrieve picture: imgrgb = imread(''); %// detect axis lines , labels imghsv = rgb2hsv(imgrgb); bw = (imghsv(:,:,3) < 1); bw = imclose(imclose(bw, strel('line',40,0)), strel('line',10,90)); %// clear masked pixels setting them background white color imgrgb2 = imgrgb; imgrgb2(repmat(bw,[1 1 3])) = 255; %%// create sliding-window video len = 40; signal = imgrgb2(:,42:532,:); figure('menubar','none', 'numbertitle','off', 'color','k') himg = imshow(signal(:,1:1+len,:), ... 'initialmagnification',100, 'border','tight'); vid = videowriter('signal.avi'); vid.quality = 100; vid.framerate = 60; open(vid); n = size(signal,2); k=1:n-len set(himg, 'cdata',signal(:,k:k+len,:)) writevideo(vid, getframe()); end close(vid);
the result this:
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