java - Versionhistory of node disappered after restore parentnode to lower version jackrabbit -
given fact have versionable node versionable subnode. checkin first node 1 subnode version 1.0. add new subnode on parentnode (1.1). if restore parentnode on version 1.0 can see theres first checkedin subnode available. when wanna restore parent version 1.1 , try versionhistory second subnode ill receive pathnotfoundexception while querying. did ...restore(abspath, restoretoversion, false);
public static final string lesson = "lesson_"; public static final string filecard = "filecard_"; public static final string user = "user_"; public static final string del = "/"; public static final simpledateformat dateformat = new simpledateformat(" hh:mm"); /** * * @param entitylist * @param userid * @throws ioexception * * neue lektion wurde im desktop client angelegt ode vorhandene geändert. * abhängig davon wird hier ein neuer lektionsknoten angelegt oder der vorhandene geändert. * jedem knoten wird das serialisierte lessonentity als property angehängt. */ public void insertlesson(list<lessonentity> entitylist, string userid) throws ioexception { session session = jrrepository.getinstance().getsession(); workspace ws = session.getworkspace(); try { node usernode = handlelessonparentnodes(entitylist.get(0), userid, session); (lessonentity lessonentity : entitylist) { // check wether lesson node exists if (usernode.hasnode(lesson + lessonentity.getid())) { node lessonnode = usernode.getnode(lesson + lessonentity.getid()); ws.getversionmanager().checkout(lessonnode.getpath()); lessonnode.setproperty("data", jrutils.serializobject(lessonentity));; ws.getversionmanager().checkin(lessonnode.getpath()); } else { // if not add new 1 insertnewlessonnode(userid, lessonentity, session); } } } catch (repositoryexception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } { session.logout(); } } /** * * @param filecardentitylist * @param userid * @throws ioexception * * neue filecard wurde im desktop client angelegt oder vorhandene geändert. * abhängig davon wird hier das gleiche gemacht. * jedem knoten wird das serialisierte filecardentity als property angehängt. */ public void insertfilecards(list<filecardentity> filecardentitylist, string userid) { session session = jrrepository.getinstance().getsession(); workspace ws = session.getworkspace(); try { node lessonnode = null; boolean createnewlessonversion = true; (filecardentity filecardentity : filecardentitylist) { lessonnode = handlefilecardparentnodes(filecardentity, userid, session); nodecheckout(lessonnode, session); // check wether filecardnode exists if (lessonnode.hasnode(filecard + filecardentity.getid())) { node filecardnode = lessonnode.getnode(filecard + filecardentity.getid()); nodecheckout(filecardnode, session); filecardnode.setproperty("data", jrutils.serializobject(filecardentity)); filecardnode.setproperty("versiondate", calendar.getinstance().gettimeinmillis());; nodecheckin(filecardnode, session); } else { // if not add new 1 if(createnewlessonversion){ nodecheckin(lessonnode, session); nodecheckout(lessonnode, session); createnewlessonversion = false; } insertnewfilecardnode(lessonnode, filecardentity, userid, session); } } } catch (repositoryexception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } catch (ioexception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } { session.logout(); } } public node insertnewusernode(string userid, session session) throws itemexistsexception, pathnotfoundexception, versionexception, constraintviolationexception, lockexception, repositoryexception { node usernode = session.getrootnode().addnode(user + userid);; return usernode; } public node insertnewlessonnode(string userid, lessonentity lessonentity, session session) throws pathnotfoundexception, repositoryexception, ioexception { // adds usernode if not there node usernode = handlelessonparentnodes(lessonentity, userid, session); node lessonnode = usernode.addnode(lesson + lessonentity.getid(), "nt:unstructured"); lessonnode.addmixin("mix:versionable"); lessonnode.setproperty("id", lessonentity.getid()); lessonnode.setproperty("data", jrutils.serializobject(lessonentity));; session.getworkspace().getversionmanager().checkin(lessonnode.getpath()); return lessonnode; } public node insertnewfilecardnode(node lessonnode, filecardentity filecardentity, string userid, session session) throws unsupportedrepositoryoperationexception, repositoryexception, ioexception { node filecardnode = null; filecardnode = lessonnode.addnode(filecard + filecardentity.getid(), "nt:unstructured"); filecardnode.addmixin("mix:versionable"); filecardnode.setproperty("data", jrutils.serializobject(filecardentity)); filecardnode.setproperty("versiondate", calendar.getinstance().gettimeinmillis());; session.getworkspace().getversionmanager().checkin(lessonnode.getpath() + del + filecard + filecardentity.getid()); return filecardnode; } /** * * @param lessonid * @param filecardid * @param userid * @param versionname * @throws pathnotfoundexception * @throws repositoryexception * @throws ioexception * @throws classnotfoundexception * * stellt eine version dieser filecard wieder und lädt sie auf den server. */ public void restorefilecard(string lessonid, string filecardid, string userid, string versionname) throws pathnotfoundexception, repositoryexception, ioexception, classnotfoundexception { session session = jrrepository.getinstance().getsession(); string usernodepath = session.getrootnode().getnode(user + userid).getpath(); string abspath = usernodepath + del + lesson + lessonid + del + filecard + filecardid; versionhistory versionhistory = getversionhistory(session, abspath); versioniterator iterator = versionhistory.getallversions(); filecardentity cardentity = null; while (iterator.hasnext()) { version version = (version); if (version.getname().equals(versionname)) { node node = version.getfrozennode(); value value = node.getproperty("data").getvalue(); object ob = jrutils.deserializeobject(value.getbinary()); cardentity = (filecardentity) ob; } } session.getworkspace().getversionmanager().restore(abspath, versionname, false); list<filecardentity> updatelist = new arraylist<filecardentity>(); cardentity.setlastmodified(new date()); updatelist.add(cardentity); filecarddao.updatefilecardlist(userid, updatelist); session.logout(); } /** * * @param lessonid * @param userid * @param restoretoversion * @throws sqlexception * @throws versionexception * @throws itemexistsexception * @throws unsupportedrepositoryoperationexception * @throws lockexception * @throws invaliditemstateexception * @throws repositoryexception * * stellt eine version dieser lektion inklusive der derzeit aktiven filekarten wieder und lädt sie auf den server. */ public void restorelesson(string lessonid, string userid, string restoretoversion) throws sqlexception, versionexception, itemexistsexception, unsupportedrepositoryoperationexception, lockexception, invaliditemstateexception, repositoryexception { session session = jrrepository.getinstance().getsession(); string usernodepath = session.getrootnode().getnode(user + userid).getpath(); string abspath = usernodepath + del + lesson + lessonid; string baseversion = getbaseversion(session, abspath).getname(); versionhistory versionhistory = getversionhistory(session, abspath); version version = versionhistory.getversion(restoretoversion); lessonentity lessonentity = null; list<filecardentity> list = new arraylist<filecardentity>(); node frozennode = version.getfrozennode(); value value = frozennode.getproperty("data").getvalue(); object ob = jrutils.deserializeobject(value.getbinary()); lessonentity = (lessonentity) ob; list = handlefilecards(session, restoretoversion, abspath, baseversion); list<lessonentity> updatelist = new arraylist<lessonentity>(); lessonentity.setlastmodified(new date()); lessonentity.setstatus(; updatelist.add(lessonentity); lessondao.updatelessons(updatelist, userid); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { (filecardentity cardentity : list) { cardentity.setlastmodified(new date()); } filecarddao.updatefilecardlist(userid, list); } session.getworkspace().getversionmanager().restore(abspath, restoretoversion, false); session.logout(); } /** * * @param session * @param requestedversion * @param abspath * @param currentversion * @return list<filecardentity> * @throws valueformatexception * @throws pathnotfoundexception * @throws repositoryexception * * hier werden die jeweiligen filecards identifiziert, die zwischen der jetzigen version und der gewünschten version liegen. * die jeweiliegen filecards werden entsprechend ihres verhaltens mit <statustype> markiert und als java objekte zurückgegeben. */ private list<filecardentity> handlefilecards(session session, string requestedversion, string abspath, string currentversion) throws valueformatexception, pathnotfoundexception, repositoryexception { map<string, filecardentity> requestedfilecardmap = new hashmap<string, filecardentity>(); map<string, filecardentity> currentfilecardmap = new hashmap<string, filecardentity>(); list<filecardentity> requestedlist = new arraylist<filecardentity>(); // currentversion version currversion = getversionhistory(session, abspath).getversion(currentversion); node lektion = currversion.getfrozennode(); (nodeiterator iterator2 = lektion.getnodes(); iterator2.hasnext();) { node filecardentitynode = (node); version baseversion = getbaseversion(session, abspath + del + filecardentitynode.getname()); node filecardfrozennode = baseversion.getfrozennode(); if (filecardfrozennode.hasproperty("data")) { value filecardproperty = filecardfrozennode.getproperty("data").getvalue(); object obj = jrutils.deserializeobject(filecardproperty.getbinary()); filecardentity cardentity = (filecardentity) obj; currentfilecardmap.put(filecardentitynode.getname(), cardentity); } } // requested version node reqfrozennode = null; version reqversion = getversionhistory(session, abspath).getversion(requestedversion); reqfrozennode = reqversion.getfrozennode(); (nodeiterator iterator3 = reqfrozennode.getnodes(); iterator3.hasnext();) { node fcnode = (node); version filecardversion = determinefilecardversion(session, reqversion, abspath, fcnode); fcnode = filecardversion.getfrozennode(); if (fcnode.hasproperty("data")) { value value = fcnode.getproperty("data").getvalue(); filecardentity cardentity = (filecardentity) jrutils.deserializeobject(value.getbinary()); string name = filecard + cardentity.getid(); requestedfilecardmap.put(name, cardentity); } } (map.entry<string, filecardentity> entry : currentfilecardmap.entryset()) { filecardentity cardentity = entry.getvalue(); // angeforderte version hat die selbe filekarte if (requestedfilecardmap.containskey(entry.getkey())) { addtoreturnlist(requestedlist,, cardentity); requestedfilecardmap.remove(entry.getkey()); // angeforderte version hat nicht diese filekarte } else if (!requestedfilecardmap.containskey(entry.getkey())) { addtoreturnlist(requestedlist, statustype.removed, cardentity); } } (map.entry<string, filecardentity> entry : requestedfilecardmap.entryset()) { filecardentity cardentity = entry.getvalue(); // angeforderte version hat filekarte die in der currentversion // nicht drin war if (!currentfilecardmap.containskey(entry.getkey())) { addtoreturnlist(requestedlist,, cardentity); } } return requestedlist; } /** * * @param session * @param lektionsversion * @param abspath * @param filecardfrozennode * @return version * @throws unsupportedrepositoryoperationexception * @throws repositoryexception * * hier wird die jewilige filecardversion identifiziert die zum zeitpunkt der lektionsversion aktiv war. */ private version determinefilecardversion(session session, version lektionsversion, string abspath, node filecardfrozennode) throws unsupportedrepositoryoperationexception, repositoryexception { calendar nextlessonstart = lektionsversion.getlinearpredecessor().getcreated(); version preversion = null; versionhistory filecardhistory = null; try{ filecardhistory = getversionhistory(session, abspath + del + filecardfrozennode.getname()); }catch(pathnotfoundexception pne){ filecardhistory = getversionhistory(session, session.getrootnode().getpath() + filecardfrozennode.getname()); } (versioniterator iterator = filecardhistory.getallversions(); iterator.hasnext();) { version filecardversion = (version); if (!filecardversion.getname().startswith("jcr:root")) { calendar fc = filecardversion.getcreated(); if (fc.before(nextlessonstart)) { preversion = filecardversion; } else { if (null == preversion) { return filecardversion; } } } } return preversion; } public node handlefilecardparentnodes(filecardentity entity, string userid, session session) throws pathnotfoundexception, repositoryexception, ioexception { if (!islessonnodeavailable(entity, userid, session)) { lessonentity lessonentity = lessondao.get(entity.getlesson().getid()); return insertnewlessonnode(userid, lessonentity, session); } else { return session.getnode(del + user + userid + del + lesson + entity.getlesson().getid()); } } public node handlelessonparentnodes(lessonentity entity, string userid, session session) throws pathnotfoundexception, repositoryexception, ioexception { if (!isusernodeavailable(userid, session)) { return insertnewusernode(userid, session); } else { return session.getnode(del + user + userid); } } private void nodecheckout(node node, session session) throws versionexception, unsupportedrepositoryoperationexception, invaliditemstateexception, lockexception, repositoryexception { session.getworkspace().getversionmanager().checkout(node.getpath()); } private void nodecheckin(node node, session session) throws versionexception, unsupportedrepositoryoperationexception, invaliditemstateexception, lockexception, repositoryexception { session.getworkspace().getversionmanager().checkin(node.getpath()); } public versionhistory getversionhistory(session session, string abspath) throws unsupportedrepositoryoperationexception, repositoryexception { return session.getworkspace().getversionmanager().getversionhistory(abspath); } private version getbaseversion(session session, string abspath) throws unsupportedrepositoryoperationexception, repositoryexception { return session.getworkspace().getversionmanager().getbaseversion(abspath); } private boolean isusernodeavailable(string userid, session session) throws pathnotfoundexception, repositoryexception { return session.getrootnode().hasnode(user + userid); } private void addtoreturnlist(list<filecardentity> list, statustype status, filecardentity entity) { entity.setstatus(status); list.add(entity); } private boolean islessonnodeavailable(filecardentity entity, string userid, session session) throws pathnotfoundexception, repositoryexception, ioexception { lessonentity lessonentity = entity.getlesson(); if (null == lessonentity) return false; node usernode = null; if (!isusernodeavailable(userid, session)) { usernode = insertnewusernode(userid, session); } usernode = session.getnode(del + user + userid); return usernode.hasnode(lesson + lessonentity.getid()); }
is ist possible versionhistory deleted subnode restoring parentnode version subnode doesent exists ?
any appreciated ....thanks in advance !!
additional code comment
first have able version lessons , filecards undependend. reason why made both versionable. in client creates lesson , filecard, synchs server. first insertlesson called , version 1.0 created. insertfilecard called , generates lessonversion 1.1, filecardversion 1.0. client creates new filecard , synchs, second filecard created , lesson version 1.2. restore lesson version 1.1 restorelesson method. inside call handlefilecard method checks filecard differences between current , requested lesson versions. no problem far version 1.1 restored , remember, @ time had 1 filecard. try switch lesson version 1.2. in handlefilecards method determinefilecardversion called should return version of filecard @ time given lesson version active . inside try catch approach test additional possibilities versionhistory of filecard added lesson version 1.2. no success, versionhistory filecard seems gone after restore lesson version 1.1.... hope isnt , sry bad english :)
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