c# - Tab Item remains selected WPF -

i using tab_selectionchanged event of tabcontrol in wpf. contains 3 tab items. have restrict user navigate other tabs i.e settings , schedule while work in-progress on home tab. while using event facing issue i.e. if clicked on settings tab shows me popup "you cannot navigate while work in progress" , when clicked on schedule tab after clicking on settings tab shows me same popup twice. reason behind settings tab remains selected.here code this:

private void tabmhpc_selectionchanged(object sender, selectionchangedeventargs e)         {             tabcontrol tab = (tabcontrol)sender;             if (tab.selectedindex != -1)             {                 if (tab.selectedindex != 4 && tab.selectedindex != 1 && tab.selectedindex != 0)                 {                     if (scanstatus == "fixing")                     {                         messagebox.show(applicationinfo.applicationname + " still busy in fixing issues.please let fixation complete.", applicationinfo.applicationname, messageboxbutton.ok, messageboximage.information);                         hometab.isselected = true;                     }                     else                     {                         messagebox.show(applicationinfo.applicationname + " still busy scanning issues.please stop before leave home tab.", applicationinfo.applicationname, messageboxbutton.ok, messageboximage.information);                         hometab.isselected = true;                     }                 }                  else if (tab.selectedindex == 0)                 {                  }             }         } 

i want previous tab item isselected property gets false when move on other tabitem.

instead of handling selectionchanged event, should data bind property of suitable type tabcontrol.selecteditem property:

<tabcontrol selecteditem="{binding yourselecteditemproperty}" ... /> 

when this, able stop tabitem being changed:

public yourdatatype yourselecteditemproperty {     { return yourselecteditemproperty; }     set     {         if (isoktochangetabitem)         {             yourselecteditemproperty = value;             notifypropertychanged("yourselecteditemproperty");         }     } } 

the final part of solution set isoktochangetabitem variable true or false depending on whether ok user change selected tabitem or not.
