Svn hook script email body html formatting -

i have below script sends email whenever developer commits svn repository. mail body includes name of file plus changes developer has added , removed.

i want additions blue , removals red, color formatting not working.

folks can please advise has been long time , stuck solution

#!/usr/bin/ruby -w  # subversion post-commit hook. edit configurable stuff below, , # copy repository's hooks/ directory "post-commit". don't # forget "chmod a+x post-commit".  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------  # *will* need change these.  address="" sendmail="/usr/sbin/sendmail" svnlook="/usr/bin/svnlook"  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------  require 'cgi'  # subversion's suggests svnlook might create files. dir.chdir("/tmp")  # revision in repository? repo = argv.shift() rev = argv.shift()  # overview information. info=`#{svnlook} info #{repo} -r #{rev}` info_lines=info.split("\n") author=info_lines.shift date=info_lines.shift info_lines.shift comment=info_lines  # output overview. body = "<p><b>#{author}</b> #{date}</p>" body << "<p>" comment.each { |line|  body << "#{cgi.escapehtml(line)}<br/>\n" } body << "</p>" body << "<hr noshade>"  # , output patch. changes=`#{svnlook} diff #{repo} -r #{rev}` body << "<pre>" changes.each |top_line|   top_line.split("\n").each |line|     color = case       when line =~ /^modified: / || line =~ /^=+$/ || line =~ /^@@ /: "gray"       when line =~ /^-/: "red"       when line =~ /^\+/: "blue"       else "black"     end     body << %q{<font style="color:#{color}">#{cgi.escapehtml(line)}</font><br/>\n}  end end body << "</pre>"  # write header. header = "" header << "to: #{address}\n" header << "from: #{address}\n" header << "subject: [svn] #{repo} revision #{rev}\n" header << "reply-to: #{address}\n" header << "mime-version: 1.0\n" header << "content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n" header << "content-transfer-encoding: 8bit\n" header << "\n"  # send mail. begin     fd = open("|#{sendmail} #{address}", "w")     fd.print(header)     fd.print(body) rescue     exit(1) end fd.close  # we're done. exit(0) 

i getting mail in outlook in format, not correct. can see html tags coming in between:

    to:     from:     subject: [svn] /atc/htr revision 2941     reply-to:     mime-version: 1.0     content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8     content-transfer-encoding: 8bit      <p><b>aryasb</b> 2015-04-29 06:39:41 +0100 (wed, 29 apr 2015)</p><p>ok<br/> </p><hr noshade><pre><font style="color:gray">modified: ities/trew/</font><br/>     <font style="color:gray">===================================================================</font><br/>     <font style="color:red">--- ities/trew/ 2015-04-29 05:16:46 utc (rev 2950)</font><br/>     <font style="color:blue">+++ ities/trew/    2015-04-29 05:39:41 utc (rev 2951)</font><br/>     <font style="color:gray">@@ -20,4 +20,5 @@</font><br/> <font style="color:black"> </font><br/> <font style="color:black"> </font><br/> <font style="color:black"> cube.external.lon= </font><br/> <font style="color:red">-cube.extras.lon=</font><br/>  <font style="color:black">\ no newline @ end of file</font><br/> <font style="color:blue">+cube.extras.lon= </font><br/> 
