java - how to use parameterized junit when input is from several files? -

i used use parameterized junit.

i have 2 files long list in each of them.


file_a file_b 

i loaded 2 big lists memory , compared each line in different test.

unfortunately list grew big , had memory problem parse parse json before saving file.

that's why split each long list smaller files. say

file_a_1 file_a_2 file_a_3 


file_b_1 file_b_2 file_b_3 

how can still use parameterized junit infra , syntax compare each corresponding list items, when each list distributed few files?

i have tried:

 @test     public void comparenewresponsetobaselinereturnsnolargedifferences() throws ioexception {          e2eresultshort baselinelist = routingresponseshortrepository.getbaseline(chunkid);         e2eresultshort freshrunlist = routingresponseshortrepository.getlatestresponse(chunkid);   ??? how iterate on differet `i` each test ??          list<string> testfailuremessages = alternativeshorttotalchecker.checkallalternativesshort(baseline.get(i), freshrun.get(i));         assertthat("testfailuremessages should empty", string.join("", testfailuremessages), equalto(""));         assertthat("error messages should null", freshroutingresponse.regression_error, is(nullvalue()));     } 

unfortunately can't, because parameterized runner needs know parameters @ beginning of test.
