javascript - ExtJs 5.1 paging tool bar in grid panel -

using extjs 5.1, when load grid panel showing correct paging number in paging tool. during page load time show page 1 of 5. previous , next buttons disabled.


var store = new{      autoload: {params:{start: 0, limit: 5}},     pagesize: 5,     remotesort: true,      model: 'tenantdetails',     proxy: {         type: 'ajax',         enablepaging : true,          url: 'http://localhost:8080/restcountries-dev/rest/page/v0.5/tenant',          reader:  new{             type: 'json' ,                           totalproperty:15,             rootproperty:'tenant'         })     },     listeners:{               load:function(store){                         ext.getcmp('tenant_detail_grid').getselectionmodel().select(0, true);                     }         } }); 


and paging toolbar defined below.


 ext.create('ext.pagingtoolbar', {          store: store,         displayinfo: true,          displaymsg: '{0} - {1} of {2}',         emptymsg: "no topics display"     }) 


don't know i'm missing.thanks

hi code looks correct. here's working example of paging.

initcomponent: function () {     var me = this; = ext.create('');      me.columns = [         {             text     : 'nachname',             dataindex: 'lastname',             flex: 1         },         {             text     : 'vorname',             dataindex: 'firstname',             flex: 1         },         {             text     : 'gruppe',             //name: 'group_id',             dataindex: 'groupname',             flex: 1         },         {             text     : 'faktor',             //name: 'group_id',             dataindex: 'factorname',             flex: 1         },         {                xtype: 'datecolumn',             text     : 'geburtsdatum',             dataindex: 'birthdate',             format: 'd.m.y',             flex: 1         },         {             text     : 'status',             //name: 'group_id',             dataindex: 'isactive',             flex: 1         },         {                 xtype: 'actioncolumn',                 width: 60,                 menudisabled: true,                 items: this.loadcontrolbar()             }     ];      me.plugins = [{         ptype:'saki-gridsearch'         ,searchtext: 'suchen'         ,autotiptext: 'mindestens zwei zeichen'         ,selectalltext: 'selektiere alle'     }];      me.bbar = me.paging = ext.create('ext.toolbar.paging', {         ,displayinfo:true      });       me.tbar = [         {             xtype: 'button',             id:'child_btn_add',             text:'kind hinzufügen',             tooltip:'neues kind hinzufügen',             iconcls:'add',             hidden: (checkpermission('desktop.children.view.mainwindow') != "write"),             handler:function(view, e){                 this.fireevent('addchildren', view, e);             }         },         {             xtype: 'button',             id: 'btnchildexport',             text: 'liste exportieren',             tooltip: 'spezifische liste exportieren',             iconcls: 'exportlist',             handler: function(view, e){                 this.fireevent('exportlist', view, e);             }         }     ];      me.callparent(); }, 


ext.define('', { extend: '', id: 'childrenstore', alias: 'widget.childrenstore',  requires: [     'desktop.children.model.childrenmodel',     '',     '' ],   model: 'desktop.children.model.childrenmodel', //autoload:true, pagesize: 10, proxy: {     type:'ajax',     enablepaging: true,     url:'resources/php/json.php',     headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },     extraparams:{         data : json.stringify({             module : "children",             action : "load",             jsonobject : null}),         start: 0,         limit: 10,     },     reader:{         type:'json',         rootproperty: 'anfang'     } },  sorters: [{         property : 'lastname',         direction:'asc' }], }); 


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