java - Search Algorithm Causing StackOverFlowError -

i using known depth first search solve maze using own stack created class assignment. reason believe getting error because program never meeting finishspot condition. have used debugger , looks infinitely stuck @ point before finishspot. logic seems correct except until point maze solver tries finish maze, need meeting last condition causing program crash.

this sample maze 's' start , 'f' finish , '*' wall.

***** *s* * * * * *  f* ***** 

this main uses linkedstack class can post if needed.

//creates stack , determines start , endpoints. public static void solvedfs( char [][] maze ){     linkedstack stack = new linkedstack();     point currentspot = findpoint( maze,'s' );     point finishspot = findpoint( maze, 'f' );     findpath( maze,currentspot, finishspot,stack );   } //finds point searching char. private static point findpoint( char [][] maze, char c ) {     ( int = 0; < maze.length; i++ ) {         ( int j = 0; j < maze[i].length; j++ ) {             if ( maze[i][j] == c ) {                 return new point(i, j);             }         }     }     return null; } //search algorithm looks neighbor locations private static boolean findpath( char [][] maze, point currentspot, point finishspot, linkedstack stack ){     boolean hassolution = false;     stack.push(currentspot);      while( currentspot != finishspot && !stack.isempty() ){         // checks right         if( currentspot.x < maze.length ){             if( maze[currentspot.x + 1][currentspot.y] == ' '){                 stack.push(new point( currentspot.x + 1, currentspot.y ));             }         }         // checks left         if( currentspot.x > 0 ){             if( maze[currentspot.x - 1][currentspot.y] == ' '){                 stack.push(new point( currentspot.x - 1, currentspot.y ));             }         }         // checks         if( currentspot.y > 0 ){             if( maze[currentspot.x][currentspot.y - 1] == ' ' ){                 stack.push(new point( currentspot.x, currentspot.y - 1));             }         }         // checks down         if( currentspot.y < maze[currentspot.x].length ){             if( maze[currentspot.x][currentspot.y + 1] == ' '){                 stack.push(new point( currentspot.x, currentspot.y + 1));             }         }         // checks finish (my program never meets condition help!)         if( currentspot == finishspot ){             printmaze(maze);             hassolution = true;         }         currentspot = stack.pop();         findpath( maze, currentspot, finishspot, stack );     }        return hassolution; } 

following conditions never true @ same time in code

while( currentspot != finishspot && !stack.isempty() ){     ...     if( currentspot == finishspot ){ 


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