Ngcordova fileupload camera ios error code 1 -

i have problem ios , ngcordova fileupload. somehow error code 1 in ios dont know why.

this retrieve image camera

$scope.getpicturefromcamera = function(){     var options = {         quality: 50,         destinationtype: camera.destinationtype.data_url,         sourcetype:,         allowedit: false,         encodingtype: camera.encodingtype.jpeg,         targetwidth: 1000,         targetheight: 1000,         correctorientation: true,         popoveroptions: camerapopoveroptions,         savetophotoalbum: true     };      $cordovacamera.getpicture(options).then(function(imageuri){         $scope.displayurl = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageuri;         $scope.pictureurl = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageuri;     },     function(error){         console.log(error);     }); } 

this upload image server

createpostwithpicture: function(post, pictureuri){          var url = domain+'/api/v1/statuses/create';         var filepath = pictureuri;         var options = {             "filekey": "sphoto",             "mimetype": "image/jpeg",             "params": post         }          return $cordovafiletransfer.upload(url, filepath, options);     }, 

in android working fine. in ios error following message:

filetransfererror { code = 1; source = data:image/jpeg;base64,.... 

i cant find solution this. awesome!

seems ios wants camera.destinationtype file_url. changed function

$scope.getpicturefromcamera = function(){     var options = {       quality: 50,       destinationtype: camera.destinationtype.file_url,       sourcetype:,       allowedit: false,       encodingtype: camera.encodingtype.jpeg,       targetwidth: 1000,       targetheight: 1000,       correctorientation: true,       popoveroptions: camerapopoveroptions,       savetophotoalbum: true     };     if(device.platform == "android"){         options.destinationtype = camera.destinationtype.data_url;     }      $cordovacamera.getpicture(options).then(function(imageuri){         if(device.platform == "android"){             $scope.displayurl = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageuri;             $scope.pictureurl = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageuri;         } else if(device.platform == "ios"){             $scope.displayurl = imageuri;             $scope.pictureurl = imageuri;         }     },     function(error){         console.log(error);     }); } 


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