PHP Gulp Livereload -

i have gulp file have grabbed here , modified this:

var gulp            =   require('gulp'),     path            =   require('path'),     del             =   require('del'),     run             =   require('run-sequence'),     sass            =   require('gulp-sass'),     autoprefixer    =   require('gulp-autoprefixer'),     include         =   require('gulp-include'),     imagemin        =   require('gulp-imagemin'),     svgmin          =   require('gulp-svgmin'),     cache           =   require('gulp-cache'),     watch           =   require('gulp-watch'),     livereload      =   require('gulp-livereload')     //lr              =   require('tiny-lr'),     //server          =   lr() ;  var config = {     // source config     src                 :    'src',                         // source directory     src_assets          :    'src/assets',                  // source assets directory     src_fonts           :    'src/assets/fonts',            // source fonts directory     src_images          :    'src/assets/img',              // source images directory     src_javascripts     :    'src/assets/js',               // source javascripts directory     src_stylesheets     :    'src/assets/styles',              // source styles sheets directory     src_main_scss       :    'src/assets/styles/main.scss',    // source main.scss     src_main_js         :    'src/assets/scripts/main.js',       // source main.js     // destination config     dist                :    'dist',                        // destination directory     dist_assets         :    'dist/assets',                 // destination assets directory     dist_fonts          :    'dist/assets/fonts',           // destination fonts directory     dist_images         :    'dist/assets/img',             // destination images directory     dist_javascripts    :    'dist/assets/js',              // destination javascripts directory     dist_stylesheets    :    'dist/assets/css',             // destination styles sheets directory     // auto prefixer     autoprefix          :    'last 3 version'             // number of version auto prefixer use };  gulp.task('styles', function () {     return gulp.src(config.src_main_scss)         .pipe(sass({             outputstyle: 'expanded',             precision: 10,             sourcecomments: 'none'         }))         .pipe(autoprefixer(config.autoprefix))         .pipe(gulp.dest(config.dist_stylesheets))         .pipe(livereload()) });  gulp.task('scripts', function () {     gulp.src(config.src_main_js)         .pipe(include())         .pipe(gulp.dest(config.dist_javascripts))         .pipe(livereload()) });  gulp.task('php', function() {     return gulp.src([path.join(config.src, '/**/*.php')])         .pipe(gulp.dest(config.dist))         .pipe(livereload()) });  gulp.task('images', function() {     gulp.src(path.join(config.src_images, '/**/*.png'))         .pipe(cache(imagemin({ optimizationlevel: 5, progressive: true, interlaced: true })))         .pipe(gulp.dest(config.dist_images)) });  gulp.task('svg', function() {     gulp.src(path.join(config.src_images, '/**/*.svg'))         .pipe(svgmin())         .pipe(gulp.dest(config.dist_images)) });  gulp.task('clean', function() {     del(path.join(config.dist, '/**/*')) });  gulp.task('watch', function() {     //server.listen(35729, function (err) {     //    if (err) {     //        return console.log(err)     //    };, '/**/*.scss'), ['styles']);, '/**/*.js'), ['scripts']);, '/**/*.php'), ['php']);     //}); });  gulp.task('default', function(cb) {     run('build', ['watch'], cb); });  gulp.task('build', function (cb) {     run('clean', 'styles', 'scripts', 'php', 'images', 'svg', cb); }); 

now if run 'gulp' works when go apache host live reload no longer working.

i not familiar live reload please walk me through solutions.

i have installed live reload plugin , turned on, still not working.

am missing step host?

alright, don't know gulpfile promised in first place, missing 2 things here:

  • any connection up-and-running server.
  • the place in html file insert livereload. livereload needs know injected , doesn't work automatically out of box

this can tricky, when have server , running, , requires lot of configuration. 1 tool can integrated gulp rather , have livereload setup out of box browsersync. can boot , create proxy running server have. take care of inserting livereload snippet. i'd suggest switch one, if pretty new topic. :-)

i wrote browsersync here, here changes have make work:

setup browsersync

add anywhere gulpfile:

var browsersync = require('browser-sync');  browsersync({     proxy: 'localhost:80',     port: 8080,     open: true,     notify: false }); 

(don't forget npm install --save-dev browser-sync first). create new server, proxying mamp , injecting need livereload. open page @ localhost:8080 (browsersync yourself), , ready go

add reload-call

everywhere put livereload, change to

.pipe(browsersync.reload({stream: true})) 

like example:

gulp.task('scripts', function () {     return gulp.src(config.src_main_js)         .pipe(include())         .pipe(gulp.dest(config.dist_javascripts))         .pipe(browsersync.reload({stream:true})) }); 

this trigger livereload , refresh sources. make sure have everywhere, change stuff.

than should able go. luck!

one more thing

please write little return statement before every gulp.src. let gulp know working streams, making lot more able work streams.
